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The aim of this paper is to bring into discussion some data concerning early Christian inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula on the differentiation of Vulgar Latin, focusing on the several methods and procedures of collecting data (in corpora and databases), and the interpretation as regards Latin dialectology. The low number of specific dialectal traits in early Christian funerary epigraphy contrasts with specific local features that can be found when we put the epigraphic texts into their social and cultural context. We may conclude that Latin dialectal evidence in Late Antiquity should be evaluated according to its context. We can understand both common and specific traits of the written language from this perspective.
The book of Latin stylistics Syntaxis ornata seu de tribus Latinae linguae virtutibus (1754) deals with the three virtues of Latin — purity, refinement and richness. The attention is focused on the issues of word and sentence purity on the background of the vernacular languages of Hungary in the 18th century. The author emphasizes how to avoid lexical and syntactical barbarisms and solecisms. This paper presents the most frequent mistakes made in Latin bases on the extensive lists in the book, which also allow the investigation of the analogies and differences between classical and neo-Latin syntactic structures. Principally, these occur in the predominant use of the conjunction quod instead of ut and of infinitive forms. The grammar book is also significant from the perspective of modern philology, as it also observes the progress and reciprocal influence of the domestic — German, Hungarian and Slovak — vocabularies.
This study presents some of the most important phonological and grammatical phenomena which show the evolution of Late Latin in the Roman province of Britannia. The investigation is based on a corpus of inscriptions on stone (established by Collingwood and Wright). The Vulgar Latin of Britannia seems not very different from that of other provinces, but the progression of certain changes is slower. The author insists on the different origins of soldiers and colonists who took part in the romanization of the island.
As a subsidiary project of the Novum Glossarium research programme the A Magyarországi Középkori Latinság Szótára [Lexicon of Mediaeval Latin in Hungary] was launched in 1934 and cooperation on it has been carried out by the UAI (Union Académique Internationale) and HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MTA) ever since. Printed editions of the project findings have been published since 1987. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae and Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch served as framework for the series, within which five regular and one supplement volumes have been published so far. These volumes comprise the dictionary entries from A—I, all of which are richly supplemented with illustrative quotations.
Our study contains entries whose illustrative quotations have been mostly collected in the past few years and have not been known before. The resulting entries either serve as new additions to the printed volumes or can complement entries lacking proper and comprehensive documentation and thus improve our knowledge of Latin vocabulary items used in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.
Tres bybliothecas habeo, unam Graecam, alteram Latinam
Textkritische, philologische und soziolinguistische Interpretation von Petrons Satyricon 48. 4.
The aim of this study is to examine a sentence from Petron's Satyricon usually considered tobe problematic and corrupted (48, 4): tres bybliothecas habeo, unam Graecam, alteram Latinam. However, we demonstrate that the old conjecture proposed for healing that sentence, i.e. duas for tres, is untenable and in fact grammatically impossible and so the reading of the Codex Traguriensis is correct. Afterwards we explain the meaning of this sentence in accordance with those interpreters who explain Trimalchio's silence on his own third library with a kind of inferiority complex in the given situation activated by the sociolinguistic pressure motivated by the hegemonic Graeco-Latin bilingualism in the Roman World.
In his study on the Vulgar Latin of Pompeian inscriptions, Väänänen dealt with the problem of the dropping of final - m in a peculiar way. 1 He grouped the omissions of final - m in three categories as follows: a) cases where the omission of - m
Ornas (also Hornach) appears in the mentions of several Latin authors in the mid-thirteenth century as an important city deep in Asia that had been conquered by the Mongols. There have been several past suggestions by scholars for its identity; the scattered mentions of Ornas (Hornach) have been variously suggested to refer to Tana, Otrar, or Konye-Urgench. The present paper argues that these references, though confused on matters of geography since the Western European authors were writing about largely unknown regions that they did not personally visit, are typically references to the city of Konye-Urgench. The Latin authors’ descriptions of its fall to the Mongols unquestionably draw parallels with Middle Eastern, Rus’, Chinese, and Mongol accounts. This paper argues that the Latin references to Ornas’ proximity to a nearby sea are related to the Aral Sea which had southerly stretches very close to Konya-Urgench as is indicated, for instance from Russian survey maps of the nineteenth century. This identification allows us to place John of Plano Carpini’s description of the fall of Ornas within a larger, cohesive narrative which, though confused on points, offers insights on the fall of the Khwarazmian Empire in the early 1220s.
A lead tablet recently discovered in the eastern cemetery of the Aquincum civil town is of much interest. The tablet which can be dated on archaeological grounds to the late 2nd-early 3rd centuries AD seems to be a binding curse of a group of men against another group, written in Latin. This curse tablet is especially significant because only five more Latin curses had previously been found in the territory of Roman Pannonia and it supports the inferences that can be deducted from this small collection.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate what kind of changes took place in the Latin language in Aquitaine according to the inscriptions. All of the relevant inscriptions were examined up to this time, so we can form an opinion on the remarks made by József Herman, who was the first to deal with the development of the Latin of the Three Gauls in detail and who intended to write the history of this language. The categories of the computerized database are used for the analysis of the changes and some examples for the changes found are mentioned.
A latin magánhangzók kvantitásrendszerének átépülése Afrikában és Rómában a metrikus feliratok tanúsága szerint
* * Jelen tanulmány a Császárkori latin feliratok számítógépes nyelvtörténeti adatbázisa (NKFIH K124170 2018–2021) című projekt keretében, az MTA Lendület Számítógépes Latin Dialektológiai Kutatócsoportban készült. A kutatást az Emberi Erőforrások