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, G. A . ( 2014 ): Aleuroclava psidii–A new invasive whitefly in Egypt . Acta Phytopathol. et Entomol. Hung ., 49 , 271 – 273 . Abd-Rabou , S . and Simmons , A. M . ( 2012 ): Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) whitefly as a pest in Egypt

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die Regierungspolitik. 1 Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Darstellung der Tätigkeit des österreichischen Dichters Ludwig Foglar während seiner von 1845 bis 1850 in Pest verbrachten Jahre, die Analyse seiner in deutschsprachigen Pester Periodika

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HIV-positive persons is centralized in Hungary, most of HIV-infected patients are followed and treated in Center for HIV, National Institute for Hematology and Infectious Diseases, South-Pest Central Hospital, Budapest. Integrase inhibitors are used

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.] Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2012. Eredeti kiadás: Die Aetiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxis des Kindbettfiebers. Von Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis. C. A. Hartleben’s Verlags-Expedition, Pest, Wien und Leipzig, 1861

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Adalékok Worbes Henrik (1765–1836) pesti asztalosról

Addenda to Pest-based cabinet-maker Henrik Worbes (1765–1836)

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Péter Rostás

: Siklóssy László: Régi pest-budai asztalosmesterek. Magyar Iparművészet XXV. 1922, 9–14; Voit Pál: Egy régi pesti patika. Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából VII. 1939, 41–69; Szabolcsi Hedvig: Magyarországi bútorművészet a 18–19. század fordulóján. Európai

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Dominik Gulyás
Gábor Kovács
István Jankovics
Máté Hidvégi
Béla Dénes
Lilla Kálfalvy-Molnár
Rebeka Nagypál
, and
Márta Lőrincz

middle of each tumor. Humane endpoints The animal experiments were approved by the ethics committee of VDD, NFCSO. Approvals of animal experiments were issued by the Government Office of Pest County Division of Food Chain Safety, Animal Health, Plant

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We conducted a prospective observational cohort study by enrolling consecutive adult patients admitted to South Pest Central Hospital, National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (Budapest, Hungary), during the period between December

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The direct toxicity of some essential, mineral and plant oils to the eggs and females of the predacious mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) was tested in the laboratory. Sweet basil oil was the most toxic essential oil to females N. cucumeris, while sweet marjoram oil was the least toxic one (LC50=2.315 and 7.021%, respectively). In contrast, rosemary oil was toxic to eggs of N. cucumeris, while sweet basil oil was the least effective oil against predator eggs (LC50 = 2.695 and 11.950%, respectively). The mineral oil capl-l 1was the most toxic one to adult females (LC50= 0.849%) while natur'l oil was the least (LC50= 4.691%), respectively. In contrast, natur'l oil was proved to be highly toxic to predator eggs while bio-dux oil was the least effective oil against the egg stage. Females of N. cucumeris suffered a depression in reproduction when females treated and fed on prey formerly kept on treated plant leaves with LC50 concentration of each oil used in our studies. Rosemary and sweet marjoram as well as bio-dux oils seem to be slightly harmful to N. cucumeris at (LC50) concentration of each oil.

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Extrém nagy hasfali sérvek előkészítése preoperatív pneumoperitoneum képzésével

Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum in the treatment of giant abdominal hernias

Magyar Sebészet
Pál Szekeres
Ildikó Krémer
Róbert Bukovácz
, and
János Varga


A kifejezetten nagy hasfali sérvek gondos preoperatív előkészítésével megelőzhetők olyan posztoperatív szövődmények, mint az abdominal compartment syndroma, légzési elégtelenség, befolyásolhatatlan keringési elégtelenség. Osztályaink évek óta foglalkoznak az extrém nagy hasfali sérvekhez társuló kóros állapotok (eventration disease) vizsgálatával és a rekonstrukció okozta kóros zsigeri következmények-szövődmények megelőzésével. Két eset kapcsán mutatjuk be a progresszív preoperatív pneumoperitoneumképzés indikációját, technikáját és eredményeit.

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Influence of plant leaf texture of camphor, guava and fig on development, reproduction and life table parameters of the phytoseiid mite, Cydnoseius zaheri (Yousef and El Borolossy) was studied at 27 °C and 70% R.H. as rearing substrates. Cydnoseius zaheri successfully developed and reproduced on different plant leaves. Guava and camphor leaves were the most appropriate surfaces as individuals induced the shortest generation period and the highest reproduction rate. In contrast, fig leaf was the least suitable surface. A total of 53.0, 41.6 and 36.9 eggs/&8482; were obtained when guava, camphor and fig leaves were provided as rearing substrates. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (exp rm) were 0.280 and 1.323 on camphor, 0.261 and 1.298 on guava and 0.169 and 1.183 on fig, respectively. Cydnoseius zaheri showed the highest fecundity rate (Mx), which compensated its lowest survival rate (Lx), on guava leaf. However, the predator exhibited the highest survival rate and the lowest fecundity rate on fig leaf.

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