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.13.0 [ 12 ] with K-values of 21, 33, 55, 77, and 99 [ 13 ]. Additional assembly includes mapping contigs to reference plasmid sequences, checking overlapping paired ends and confirming the assembly by the PCR-based gap closure method. Whole-genome sequencing

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). However, a number of farms intend to perform their eradication process with continuous production without herd closure. Here, homogenous PRRS herd immunity is achieved and maintained using vaccination ( Linhares et al., 2015 ), but strict biosecurity

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Milan Došenović
Milena Radaković
Miloš Vučićević
Branislav Vejnović
Maja Vasiljević
Darko Marinković
, and
Zoran Stanimirović

aponeurosis and peritoneum were closed with 2.0 absorbable suture (Polysorb TM , Covidien Ltd., Ireland) in a continuous pattern. Skin closure was done using 2.0 monofilament-polypropylene (Surgipro™, Covidien Ltd., Ireland) sutures in a simple interrupted

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closure on affect-laden struggles during the acute effects of relevant molecules could improve wellbeing. These insights and breakthroughs overlap with mystical experiences but help account for improvements in wellbeing. But the choices among traits that

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completion, or therapeutic closure at the end of the session that leaves them feeling a re-dose is not necessary, whereas those partaking of the substance via the vaporization route are left feeling their process is inconclusive, leading them to re-dose more

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:// . 12. Fabricius L , Dahlén G , Ohman AE , Möller AJ . Predominant indigenous oral bacteria isolated from infected root canals after varied times of closure . Scand J Dent Res 1982 ; 90 ( 2 ): 134

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or completely ) with incremental units of one. The EBI includes statements such as “I felt able to explore challenging emotions and memories” and asks about “emotional release,” “closure,” “emotional breakthrough,” and “resolution of conflict.” The

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outperformed those in the control arm on primary and secondary outcome measures at study closure ( Mitchell et al., 2023 ). Significant differences on CAPS and SDS scores were observed between treatment and placebo groups, with effect sizes of d = 0.7 and d

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environmental stimuli required for proper organization and learning essential to survival. The closure of critical periods prohibits the brain's ability to adapt, even when optimal circumstances are created. This illustrates the high treatment non-response rates

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Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
Sarah Nath Zallek
Michael Xu
Jean Aldag
Lori Russell-Chapin
Tobias A. Mattei
, and
N. Scott Litofsky

without any visual input, since closure of the eyes often leads to states of relaxed wakefulness (predominately accompanied by alpha frequencies) and Stage 1 (N1) NREM sleep (predominately accompanied by theta and alpha frequencies) ( Britton et al., 2016

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