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behavior . Psychological Review , 94 ( 1 ), 3 . Van den Boom , G. , Paas , F. , & Van Merrienboer , J. J. ( 2007 ). Effects of elicited reflections combined with tutor or peer feedback on self-regulated learning and learning outcomes . Learning
. , Paas , F. , Kirschner , P. , & Janssen , J. ( 2011 ). Differential effects of problem-solving demands on individual and collaborative learning outcomes . Learning and Instruction , 21 ( 4 ), 587 – 599 .
we should go about doing so in a way that will maximize learning outcomes for young people. Furthermore, it appears that merely presenting factual information may be insufficient to combat misconceptions. Fortunately, the pedagogical literature
traditionally embedded in local contexts. Pedersen (2021) and Mantel et al. (2022) explore accordingly the ‘conceptualisations of mobility’ and learning outcomes of students in Norwegian and Swiss teacher training programmes. Foregoing studies emphasise the
-making, communication, trust, mutual respect, and adaptability”, and outcomes like “objective outcomes, subjective outcomes, and learning outcomes” ( Plummer et al. 2021 , p. 541). Based on a wide literature, Vargiu (2014 : 562) grouped public engagement indicators
learning outcomes .” (p. 88) This definition encapsulates the same notion as Pink’s ( 2009 ) interpretation of autonomy in the workplace. Knowles’ ( 1980 ) second and fifth concepts, adult learner experience and motivation to learn , refer a
teachers’ classroom practice that results in change in students’ learning outcomes affecting change in teachers’ beliefs and attitudes. Although Cobb, Wood, and Yackel ( 1990 ) agree with Guskey in the importance of a continuous interplay between teachers
education is important for quality education and better student learning outcomes ( Walailak University & Ulla, 2018 ). Even though there are several pathways to become teachers, there is one expectation that every teacher must be degree
the individuals learn particular things that are in response to the workplace's goals. Workplace learning is not only about individual learning because the learning outcomes must be for the whole workplace ( Bratianu, 2018 ). According to Billett
Introduction Assessment literacy (AL) is important for teachers to handle their responsibilities in using assessment to improve education quality, i.e., improving their instruction and students' learning outcomes, and to be accountable for the