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there is a clearer link between different kinds of qualification and more openness, enabling more open approaches to lifelong learning to develop.” ( Cedefop, 2010 , p. 193) In this way, the study also
Introduction Although the United Nations ( UN, 2015 , p. 17) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes the importance of quality education and lifelong learning for all children, knowledge and understanding as to how
able not only to detect problems but also to solve them. Thus, a problem-oriented approach develops autonomy as well as encourages learners to engage in lifelong learning. In addition, the perspective of autonomy as a communicator can prepare learners
and professionalization of adult education . PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning , 20 , 21 – 36 . Bron , A
research . Biochem Mol Biol Educ 33 : 277 – 280 10.1002/bmb.2005.49403304277 . 33. Tomovic , MM 1994 Undergraduate research—prerequisite for successful lifelong
cigány sokkal inkább életmódot jelent, mint etnikumot (‘Gypsy’ is more of a lifestyle than an ethnic group) . . Óhidy , A. , & Forray , R. K. (Eds.), ( 2019 ). Lifelong learning and the roma minority in Central and
[Rodnovery Community Zora], and Veles – center vseživljenjskega učenja, osebne rasti in povezovanja s predniki [Veles – Center for Lifelong Learning, Personal Growth, and Connection with Ancestors]. 11 Along with Medvešček's writings, many other individuals
. , & Noble , J. ( 2005 ). From life crisis to lifelong learning: Rethinking working class ‘drop out’ from higher education . York, UK : Joseph Rowntree Foundation . Stiburek , S
, T. J. (Eds.) ( 2013 ). Applications of self-regulated learning across diverse disciplines: A tribute to Barry J. Zimmerman . IAP . Blaschke , L. M. ( 2012 ). Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self
organizations will be the ones that are continuously learning about, aware of, and experimenting with these emerging digital technologies ( Guinan et al. 2019 ). Education and skill systems can help facilitate lifelong learning and adapting skill sets as local