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is the lynchpin about which the whole business of Science is pivoted” (Ziman 1968 , p. 148). Peers asked to evaluate manuscripts take on the responsibility for assuring high standards in various research disciplines. “Equals active in the same field

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’s Crimea and Printed in 1840/1841 at Gözleve, on the Copyist of the Manuscript, and Some Related Issues . Karaite Archives No. 1 , pp. 133 – 198 . Sulimowicz , Józef ( 1972 ): Materiał leksykalny

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. I–XII . vols. 1960–2006 . Leiden : Brill . Primary sources Alf Layla wa Layla [The Thousand and One Nights] Ms. Bodl. Orient No. 550–7 (7 volumes, dated in 1764–1765) . The manuscript is known as the Wortley-Montague manuscript of the Arabian

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) or Kapitánffy (1985) forced a reconsideration of this opinion and recommended caution in affirming these connections. The aim of this paper is to collect the latest discoveries surrounding these manuscripts and shed some light on the legacy of Janus

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張子開 ( 2000 ): Dunhuang xieben ‘Lidai fabao ji’ yanjiu shuping 敦煌寫本《歷代法 寶記》研究述評 [Studies of the Dunhuang manuscripts, Lidai fabaoji: a survey]. Zhongguoshi yanjiu dongtai 《中國史研究動態》 No. 2 , pp. 11 – 19 .

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Aditya Prakashan . Huang Wenbi 黃文弼 1954 . Tulufan kaogu ji 吐魯番考古記 [Archaeological Report on Turfan] . Beijing : Science Press . IOM , RAS and Toyo Bunko 2021 . Catalogue of the Old Uyghur Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Serindia

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Classical Protagonists – Medieval Postures

Body Language in Early Medieval Illustrations of Late Antique Texts

Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Anna Boreczky

1 This paper is an improved version of my presentation at the 44 th Annual Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies, Saint Louis University, October 13-14, 2017, in a

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journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) to examine a new problem that can limit the validity of the JIF for a journal: the publication of several versions of one and the same manuscript when a journal uses a two-stage publication process. The

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I. Miksa császár Willibald Pirckheimernek küldött ajándék könyvei: újabb budai eredetű görög kódexek?

Books sent to Willibald Pirckheimer by Maximilian I: new Greek manuscripts of Buda origin?

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
András Németh

2005 . 6. Cleminson 1988 – Ralph Cleminson: A Union Catalogue of Cyrillic Manuscripts in British and Irish Collections. London 1988 . 7. Crimi

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Eine vergessene Porträtreihe ungarischer Könige aus dem 15. Jahrhundert und die Handschriften der Ungarnchronik des Johannes von Thurocz

A forgotten 15th-century portrait series of Hungarian Kings and the manuscripts of the Hungarian Chronicle by Johannes de Thurocz

Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Anna Boreczky

Medieval and Renaissnace Manuscripts in the United States and Canada . New York 1962 . 7. BORSA 1980 : Borsa, Gedeon: Az első, aranyfestékkel készült nyomtatvány és annak magyar vonatkozásai

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