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gender differences in motivation for participation College Student Journal 40 3 704 714 . Christiansen Capital Advisors ( 2005

Open access

) and online video games ( Caplan, Williams, & Yee, 2009 ; Kardefelt-Winther, 2014 ). Motivations for gaming Another line of research in the field of video games is the study of players’ motivations. Among the most

Open access

Y. Chiang K. Huang 2014 MAM & U&G in Taiwan: Differences in the uses and gratifications of Facebook as a function of motivational reactivity

Open access

attention and motivation towards the anticipated rewards, which is all mediated by the activity of brain structures comprising reward circuitry ( Flagel & Robinson, 2017 ; Schultz, 2015 ). The cues can signal rewards that differ in respect of some

Open access

as “being overly concerned about SNSs, to be driven by a strong motivation to log on to or use SNSs, and to devote so much time and effort to SNSs that it impairs other social activities, studies/job, interpersonal relationships, and/or psychological

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Maria Di Blasi
Alessandro Giardina
Cecilia Giordano
Gianluca Lo Coco
Crispino Tosto
Joel Billieux
, and
Adriano Schimmenti

role of ED among problematic gamers. Escapism motivations to play and emotional coping The construct of motivations to play ( Yee, 2006 ) could be critical in explaining the relationship between ED and PG. For example

Open access

. Cue reactivity and craving in IGD Craving to addiction-related cues reflects a strong motivation to engage in addictive behaviors. Craving may promote drug use ( Sayette, 2016 ; Sinha & Li, 2007 ), gambling ( Potenza et al., 2003 ), and

Open access

. ” First, we make a valid statement in that “ The SDT is a valuable framework for understanding motivation in exercise, sports, and training. ” The SDT, thus, in our paper refers to the part of the EIMEA concerning the ‘ Incentives for exercise ’ block (p

Open access

Az Edzői Viselkedés Kérdőív hazai adaptációja

Hungarian adaptation of the Coach Behaviour Questionnaire

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Krisztina Kovács
Kőnig-Görögh Dóra
Rita F. Földi
, and
Noémi Gyömbér

., Gustafsson , H ., & Lopez-Jiménez , A . ( 2017 ). Motivational processes in the coach-athlete relationship: A multi-cultural self-determination approach . Psychology of Sport

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Claudia Marino
Elena Mazzieri
Gabriele Caselli
Alessio Vieno
, and
Marcantonio M. Spada

, & Sinatra, 2017 ). Moreover, motivations have been among the most commonly investigated antecedents of online activities, including SNS engagement and gaming (e.g.,  Demetrovics et al., 2011 ; Joinson, 2008 ; Papacharissi & Mendelson, 2011

Open access