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In the past fifteen years considerable efforts have been made in Croatian society to increase the quality of leadership in both the non-profit as well as the profit sector. In the nonprofit sector education and training have been realised for leaders in non-governmental, faith and charity organisations as well as in public, educational and social care institutions. As well as many informal additional forms of education (improvement, advanced training, work on oneself) much education has been provided by non-profit organisations, for example the Open Society. Croatia defines education as a strategic goal. Inside the educational system research and experience show the importance of management and leadership in educational institutions as well as in the social care system. We are of the opinion that lack of knowledge and skills adds up to poverty. It makes sense that increasing the quality of leadership in the educational system should be one of the first strategic points for development. An improvement in the quality of management is dependent on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the educational system. Caritas Croatia, through a new mission in cooperation and partnership with Caritas Germany, Deutscher Caritasverband and the German government, has established a formal educational system for leadership in non-profit organisations through postgraduate study: Management for Nonprofit Organisations and Social Advocacy. Education is a part of the non-profit sector described in diagrams. Education basically rests on non-profit governmental institutions (institutions for education, schools), but educational suppliers are both profit and non-profit organisations. Research was conducted in order to find the answers to omit open questions about leaders’ educational needs and the key of quality in the educational system as well as in the whole non-profit sector.

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Written sources indicate that, disregarding fortresses, there were three types of man-made defence employed by the Khazars for the fortification of a camping ground: (1) building palisade, (2) encircling the settlement by carts, and (3) digging ditches round the camp. The Muslim authors Gardīzī, al-Marwazī and al-Bakrī indicated that the military camps of the Khazars were strengthened by board fence. Other Muslim authors reported that the Khazar capital was strengthened by the placement of carts around it. Finally, Ibn Rusta mentioned that the Khazars made ditches against the Hungarians (Magyars) and other enemies. The aim of this paper is to collect and analyse the data on the strengthening of the camp at the Khazars and among their neighbours.

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Az információs korszak szükségessé teszi, hogy a társadalmi szervezetek a logisztika olyan új formáit hozzák létre, amelyek képessé teszik őket a környezethez való alkalmazkodásra. A társadalmi szervezetek emberekből állnak, akiknek az intelligenciája nem eredményezi a szervezet intelligenciaszintjének növelését. Az információs korszakban az adatfeldolgozás és a kommunikáció új lehetőségeinek megjelenése drámaian megnövelte a szervezeteken belüli információs szintet. Ez a folyamat a hadseregben és az üzleti életben indult el. A szervezeti intelligencia szükségleteinek kielégítése érdekében megszervezték az üzleti intelligencia egységeit, amelyek modellül szolgálhatnak a társadalom más szervezetei számára.

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National cultures and European identity

The process of Engrenage among European Commission civil servants

Society and Economy
Erika Tóth

Cini, M. (2001): Reforming the European Commission: an Organisational Culture Perspective. Queen’s Papers on Europeanisation , No. 11/2001. Retrieved: 12 May 2007, from http

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The paper deals in its first part critically with the ideo-centric interpretation of the subject matter of the sociology of science. Especially American sociologists tend to regard sociology of science as apart of the sociology of knowledge, specialized in defining the nature of scientificideas and their relations to other kinds of ideas, institutional and personality factors, etc. However, in our days the center of gravity of sociological studies on science has shifted more and more outward of the domain of the sociology of knowledge.Research on research, particularly research on the objective socio-economic, organizational and operational aspects of institutionalized and professionalized research activity, have become very central to the sociology of science and have made probably some of the greatest contributions to its recent development. The material demands of society on science, and vice versa, the investiment of society in the scientific establishment, the bread-and-board questions of research activity, the hard realities of national and industrial research policies, etc., provide a vastterra incognita into which the contemporary sociology of science must foray. The second part of the present paper deals with the delineation of a stretch of the unknown land that has remained hitherto largely unexplored by the sociology of science, namely with the structure and the functions of contemporaryresearch bureaucracy. Some findings of a Hungarian empirical study are discussed which seem to indicate that big science tends to go hand in hand with big research bureaucracy, in particular with an increased share of administrative personnel in the total staff on research institutions.

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). Socio-Economic Wealth (SEW) as an influencing factor is of course only one side of the coin, as organisations that are rather Janus-faced in this respect tend to be less formalised and significantly more flexible and resilient than non-family firms

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operation, Organisation, management, employment relationship in sex clubs and private houses]. Delft: Eburon. Prostitutie in bedrijf Organisatie, management en arbeidsverhoudingen in seksclubs en privéhuizen

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On 13 September 1987, a severe radiation accident occurred in the city of Goiânia in central Brazil. Approximately 250 people were directly affected by the radiation, receiving slight to very severe external, partial or whole body, irradiation, and presenting internal and external contamination. Fourteen patients developed some degree of marrow failure, eight developed the clinical signs and symptoms of acute radiation syndrome (ARS), and four eventually died of ARS complications. Twenty-eight people showed acute localized radiation injuries ranging from first to third degree. The author describes the circumstances of the event, the first-aid measures taken on the site, and the medical structure organized to triage and treat the casualties. Aspects relating to hospital contamination control, radiation protection and decontamination procedures are also discussed.

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Introduction The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has profoundly impacted aspects of human life globally. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended playing videogames as part of the #HealthyAtHome campaign to help

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Milica Jovanovic
Veljko Jeremic
Gordana Savic
Milica Bulajic
, and
Milan Martic

1973 A method of establishing a list of development indicators United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization Paris . Ivanovic , B

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