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Péter Palásti
Ádám Visnyovszki
Sándor Csizmadia
Mária Matúz
Zsanett Szabó
Edit Hajdú
Dominika Vattay
András Palkó
Tamás Zsigmond Kincses
, and
Zsuzsanna Fejes

pandemic [ 5 ]. The focus of this study is to examine the effects of COVID-19 among the Hungarian population. The collected data of the specific characteristics of pneumonia caused by the virus as well as other manifestations would allow for a

Open access

1 Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shock for many organizations and their employees. This is particularly true for sports clubs that have suffered from strict lockdowns – in many countries, sports activities were suspended for a long

Open access

1 Introduction The world economy in the 21st century has been experiencing a number of crisis phenomena, originating in the banking, financial and business spheres, and more recently in an external phenomenon related to a pandemic. And although the

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more people than malnutrition [ 2 , 3 ]. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which erupted in 2019, the scientific community has clearly demonstrated that obesity and chronic diseases that develop on its own exacerbate the symptoms, and the course

Open access

Premier League and La Liga, our intention has been to provide a more comprehensive picture about the situation of the two national competitions' competition balance in the so-called “normal” (i.e. pandemic-free) seasons. Although there is one aspect of

Open access

Múltból jövőt

From Past to Future

Tamás Kozma

Összefoglaló. Hogyan határozzák meg az eddig történtek az új oktatáspolitikát? a) Folytatódik-e a demográfiai csökkenés, vagy bekövetkezik az immigráció? b) A járványveszély szétzilálta a hagyományos iskolai rendet. Minél hamarabb térjünk vissza a megszokott iskolai rendhez, vagy el kell térnünk ettől a jövőben? c) Az új tulajdonosi viszonyok a felsőoktatásban szorosabb állami ellenőrzést jelentenek, vagy nagyobb mozgásszabadságot hoznak az intézményeknek? d) A kormányzat továbbra is a nemzetközi monopóliumokat támogatja a szakképzésben, vagy sikerül a szakszervezeteknek is befolyáshoz jutni? Végső soron ezek ugyanazok a dilemmák. Folytatódik-e a centralizáció, vagy lehet-e erősíteni az önkormányzatiságot? A tanulmány ezt a dilemmát mérlegeli.

Summary. How would the past define the future of educational policy after the Parliamentary election? a) Will demographic decline continue, or will the new government apply an alternative immigration policy which would give new functions to education? b) The epidemic threat shattered the traditional school order. Would the new government return to the pre-epidemic order, or will it give way to more educational innovation? c) Does the changing institutional ownership mean tighter state control or more freedom for the universities? d) Does the government continue to support international monopolies in vocational education, or would the unions be able to gain more influence? Ultimately, these are the same dilemmas. Will centralization continue, or can local government be strengthened after the elections? The study considers this dilemma.

Open access

Öngyilkossági halálozás Magyarországon a COVID–19-pandémia idején.

Az első két járványév (2020 és 2021) tapasztalatai

Suicide mortality in Hungary during the COVID–19 pandemic.

Experiences of the first two pandemic years (2020 and 2021)
Orvosi Hetilap
Lajos Bálint
Péter Osváth
Attila Németh
Balázs Kapitány
Zoltán Rihmer
, and
Péter Döme

References 1 Osváth P, Bálint L, Németh A, et al. Changes in suicide mortality of Hungary during the first year of the COVID–19 pandemic. [A magyarországi

Open access
Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Renáta Dóró
Szilvia Marton
Anett Horváth Bartókné
György Lengyel
Zsófia Agócs
Ferenc Jakab
, and
Krisztián Bányai

Novel, intergenogroup reassortant G3 rotavirus strains are spreading in at least three continents: Asia, Australia, and Europe. The present study provides evidence that a closely related G3P[8] strain circulated in Hungary during 2015. Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that the identified strain continues to evolve by reassortment. This observation demonstrates the genomic plasticity of the novel strain, which is thought to be a prerequisite of the success of emerging rotavirus genotypes.

Open access

A COVID–19-járvány hatása a gyermekkori herecsavarodások kimenetelére

Effect of the COVID–19 pandemic on the outcome of testicular torsion in children

Orvosi Hetilap
Balázs Fadgyas
Dorottya Őri
, and
Péter Vajda

Viner RM, Whittaker E. Kawasaki-like disease: emerging complication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet 2020; 395: 1741–1743. 11 Valitutti F, Verde A, Pepe A, et al

Open access