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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Shan-Shan Ma
Patrick D. Worhunsky
Jian-song Xu
Sarah W. Yip
Nan Zhou
Jin-Tao Zhang
Lu Liu
Ling-Jiao Wang
Ben Liu
Yuan-Wei Yao
Sheng Zhang
, and
Xiao-Yi Fang

associated with symptom severity ( Lemenager et al., 2014 , 2016 ). Correspondingly, multiple areas in the frontoparietal network, such as IPL (including the angular gyrus) and prefrontal cortex, were found to be involved in theory of mind and self

Open access

. Leslie , Allan M . 1987 . Pretense and representation: Origins of a “theory of mind” . Psychological Review 94 . 412 – 426 . Lorenz , Konrad . 1941 / 1962

Full access

Az intelligencia alakulása gyermekkorban: egy 10 éves longitudinális vizsgálat módszertani tanulságai

The development of intelligence in childhood: Methodological implications of a 10-year longitudinal study

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Magda Kalmár

Pediatrics , 116 , 620 – 626 . Leslie , A. M. , ( 1991 ) The theory of mind impairment in autism: evidence for a modular mechanism of

Restricted access

notable result. The TPJ is one of the core brain regions related to the theory of mind (ToM) process, which enables individuals to represent the internal thoughts, beliefs and desires of others and differentiate them from one's own ( Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003

Open access

regression analyses highlighted a strong association between chasing frequency and low scores on the RFQ-8_C subscale. Reporting low scores on this dimension is considered a marker of hypermentalizing (excessive theory of mind) that arises from having

Open access

A magyar kognitív pszichológia 30 éve (1990–2020)

30 years of hungarian cognitive psychology (1990–2020)

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Csaba Pléh
Mihály Racsmány

's aphasics . Acta Linguistica Hungarica , 44 ( 1–2 ), 3 – 42 . Bánréti , Z ., Hoffmann , I ., & Vincze , V . ( 2016 ). Recursive Subsystems in Aphasia and Alzheimer’s Disease: Case Studies in Syntax and Theory of Mind

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important role in detection of face and eye gaze in humans ( Allison, Puce, & McCarthy, 2000; Johansson, 1973 ) and is known as a key node of the social brain network including mentalization ( Blakemore, 2008 ). To achieve successful theory of mind (higher

Open access

Review of attachment interventions in eating disorders: Implications for psychotherapy

Az evészavarokban alkalmazható kötődéssel kapcsolatos intervenciók áttekintése – Pszichoterápiás ajánlások

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Tamás Dömötör Szalai

. Russell , T.A. , Schmidt , U. , Doherty , L. , Young , V. , & Tchanturia , K. ( 2009 ). Aspects of social cognition in anorexia nervosa: Affective and cognitive theory of mind. Psychiatry Research , 168 ( 3 ), 181 – 185

Open access

of others, using a “theory of mind” to infer the motives and reasoning of others in society. A range of findings supports a view of the human mind as manifesting a variety of unconscious functions that operate through an integrated assembly of

Open access

Az autizmus és a tehetség kapcsolata neuropszichológiai megközelítésben

The relationship between autism and giftedness in a neuropsychological approach

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Éva Gyarmathy

from autism . Adaptive Behavior , 30 ( 2 ), 147 – 161 . Fonagy , P. ( 1989 ). On tolerating mental states: Theory of mind in borderline patients . Bulletin of the Anna Freud Centre , 12 , 91 – 115 . Foss-Feig , J. H. , Guillory , S. B

Open access