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Innovációk és innovációs folyamatok a magyar oktatási rendszerben

Innovations and Innovation Processes in the Hungarian Education System

Ágnes Fazekas
Gábor Halász
, and
László Horváth

Well-Being. Paris, OECD Publishing. 25 OECD (2017). Measuring Innovation in Education. A journey to the future. Paris, OECD Publishing. 26 Raisch, S

Open access

Migráció és oktatás. Szakirodalmi körkép

Migration and Education: Literary Overview

Julianna Mrázik

Bridges: Music, Play and Well-Being in the Lives of Refugee and Immigrant Children and Young People . Music Education Research , Vol. 19. No. 1. pp. 60–73. 16 Melegh A. (2011

Open access

A multikulturális nevelés lehetőségei globális környezetben

The Opportunities of Multicultural Education in a Global Context

Judit Torgyik

Education . San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. pp. 528–634. 29 Slee, Ph. T. & Skrzypiec, G. (2016) Well-being, Positive Peer Relations and Bullying in School Settings. Switzerland, Springer. 30 Starkey

Open access

A zeneművészeti szakgimnazisták pályaválasztásának meghatározó tényezői

Factors Determining the Musical Identity of Music High School Students

Judit Váradi
Rita Kerekes
Melinda Pótfi
, and
J. Miklós Radócz

. Journal of Research in Music Education, Vol. 61. No. 1. pp. 115–134. 24 Ryan, R. M. & Deci, E. L. (2000) Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being

Open access

Egészségmagatartás serdülőkorban – Mi történt az ezredforduló után?

Health Behaviour in Adolescents – What Has Happened since the Millennium?

Ágnes Németh
Zsolt Horváth
, and
Dóra Várnai

., Currie, D., de Looze, M., Roberts, C., … & Barnekow, V. (2012, eds) Social Determinants of Health and Well-being among Young People. Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) Study

Open access

Az extrémizmus indikátorai

Indicators of extremism

Scientia et Securitas
Noémi Emőke Baráth

the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, Vol. 55. No. 1. pp. 68–78. 36 Serbakov, M

Open access

rights. As Raz 8 explains, there is a direct connection between interests, rights, and duties. According to him, an individual is capable of having rights when her well-being is of ultimate value, such that an aspect of that individual's well-being, her

Full access

A doktori képzés nemzetközi és hazai átalakulása

The International and Domestic Transformation of Doctoral Education

Gabriella Pusztai
Judit Fináncz
, and
Dorina Anna Tóth

review of the factors influencing doctoral students’ completion, achievement, and well-being. International Journal of Doctoral Studies , Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 361

Open access

will. 11 A related idea can be found in von Humboldt, who distinguishes between negative and positive well-being. 12 In his theory, positive well-being is connected to the state's intervention. In contrast, negative well-being is related to the state

Full access

pathological and antisocial forms of behaviour. Thus, I view animal abuse as an umbrella term for human action which causes intended or negligent harm to animals, action detrimental to their health, living conditions, physiological well-being, ability to live a

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