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The opinion of traditional grammars and the hypothetical derived PIE form is inconsistent as concerns the quantity of the sing. nominative-accusative ending of Latin u-stem neuters. Since the received scholarly opinion holds that the quantity cannot be determinated from the available sources, certain scholars have stated that the ending is a short -u. A comprehensive re-examination of the ancient grammatical opinion and the relevant metrical texts demonstrates that on the basis of two passages, namely Aen. XI 859 and nux 106, the truth of the traditional view, i.e., that the sing. nom.-acc. of u-stem neuters is long, can be confirmed.

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Philology is the servant of classical antiquity. And translation serves it by transposing it into another language. First translated into Latin (when originally written in Greek), later translated from Greek or Latin into the vernaculars, the works of the classical authors have reached modernity through the complex filter of philological interpretation and literary apprehension. P. Hummel analyzes the ways in which objectivity and subjectivity interact in the restitution of what is supposed to be the original and genuine meaning of the texts translated.

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In the present paper, the Latin source of the Marian Sermons written by Jan of Szamotuły (c. 1480–1519) is identified and discussed. The collection of Sermons, survived in a manuscript dated to the early 16th century, consists of a number of texts concerning the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity, the Holy Name, and the Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although closely related to medieval scholastic treatises in their structure and theological content, the Sermons were generally believed to be Jan of Szamotuły’s own work. However, the author of this paper argues that the actual source of this collection was a volume of sermons Stellarium coronae Benedictae Mariae Virginis written by the Hungarian Franciscan Pelbárt of Temesvár (c. 1435–1504). The two texts are compared with a view of identifying the characteristic features of the Polish translation. The paper also discusses some issues concerning the date and circumstances of the creation of the collection of Sermons.

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Az Ókortudományi Társaság — az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma támogatásával — a 2012/2013-as tanévben immár 49. alkalommal rendezte meg Ábel Jenőről elnevezett országos latin tanulmányi versenyét. A 2013. február 8-i első, iskolai fordulón 38 vidéki és 18 budapesti, azaz összesen 56 iskola 738 diákja versenyzett: 415-en (Budapestről 197, vidékről 218) a minores és 323-an (Budapestről 145, vidékről 178) a maiores kategóriában. A maiores kategória tételének címe „Nagy Lajos, a lovagkirály esete Laczkfi István sebészi módszereivel“, a minoresé pedig „Milyen a derék katona?“ volt. Az iskolákból 293 dolgozatot küldtek be, ebből 169-et (Budapestről 81, vidékről 88) a maiores, 124-et (Budapestről 70, vidékről 54) a minores kategóriában. A döntő fordulóra 47 (31 vidéki és 16 budapesti) iskolából hívtunk be összesen 206 főt, a maiores kategóriában 109 (Budapestről 56, vidékről 53), a minores kategóriában 97 főt (Budapestről 56, vidékről 41), akik közül megjelent 99 maior és 87 minor versenyző. Ők április 13-án az ELTE BTK-n mérhették össze tudásukat. A maiores kategória tételének címe „Nagy Sándor és a kátrányba ragadt holló“, a minoresé pedig „A megmentő Apollón“ volt.

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Bartók's influence on his outstanding Hungarian contemporary, László Lajtha (1892–1963) remains as yet largely unresearched. Lajtha studied with Bartók at the Royal Hungarian Academy of Music and went on to become a composer, folk music researcher, versatile teacher, international cultural ambassador, and member of the French Academy. The two men's friendship and mutual respect lasted throughout Bartók's life. Among the leading musicians of the time, it was Bartók who first expressed his high opinion of the younger composer's talent. Bartók's influence can be observed in almost every field of Lajtha's work. For example, it was Bartók who recommended that Lajtha choose Paris as the place to complete his studies, which fostered in turn Lajtha's orientation toward Latin culture. Following in Bartók's footsteps, Lajtha became one of the greatest folk music collectors and researchers in Hungary, and this music also exerted a significant effect on his compositional style. Bartók recommended that the director Georg Hoellering commission Lajtha to write film music, which became an important new genre for the latter. A large number of documents — especially the unpublished letters from László Lajtha to John S. Weissmann, one of his former students — offer proof that Bartók's inspiration and practical assistance were of paramount importance to the development of Lajtha's career, oeuvre, and aesthetics.

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Gender confusions and other linguistic changes

A provisional description of Vulgar Latin Phenomena

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Béla Szlovicsák

Introduction: problem statement, research history and methodology The transformation of the grammatical gender system during the Vulgar Latin period is a particularly interesting area from a linguistic point of view. The sources that evidence this

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Az Ókortudományi Társaság az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma támogatásával a 2021/2022-es tanévben is megrendezte, immár 58. alkalommal, országos, Ábel Jenőről elnevezett latin tanulmányi versenyét. A Minisztérium versenyünket a Nemzeti

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Az Ókortudományi Társaság – az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma támogatásával – a 2020/2021-es tanévben is megrendezte, immár 57. alkalommal, országos, Ábel Jenőről elnevezett latin tanulmányi versenyét. A Minisztérium versenyünket a Nemzeti

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Az Ókortudományi Társaság – a Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium támogatásával – a 2022/2023-as tanévben is megrendezte, immár 59. alkalommal, országos, Ábel Jenőről elnevezett latin tanulmányi versenyét. A Minisztérium versenyünket a Nemzeti

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Summary The fact that poets, novelists, journalists, critics, and the general public of Latin America have embraced the interpretation of Martín Fierro as a work that defines Argentine national identity, has, in my opinion, diverted the attention of most critics from the real core of the analysis, which is that the very concepts of “literature,' “history,' “identity,' and “nationality' are and have been cultural constructions. The purpose of this essay is, then, to analyze Martín Fierro through the light of the theories of Benedict Anderson, Edward Said and Irena Nikolova in order to verify if the poem articulates the archetypical conventions (structure, theme, style) of the classical epic genre. And, departing from the results of that analysis, to examine how the textual and contextual relations between authorial ideology and European Romantic epic converge in the construction of the official concept of national literature in Argentine.

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