Search Results
. Leydesdorff , L , Meyer , M . The decline of university patenting and the end of the Bayh–Dole effect . Scientometrics 2010 83 2 355 – 362 10.1007/s11192-009-0001-6 . List , J . An A to X of patent
. They especially highlight that the impact of patent citations on market value is over 50% higher for drugs than the average effect. This effect is lower for computers than that for the other sectors. They explain this difference by the cumulativeness of
will be used predominantly for things other than supporting further research. For example, the area of patent citation analysis has emerged to recognise and quantify the value of some scientific research that leads to commercial exploitation (Meyer
an individual scientist . Scientometrics 78 1 113 – 130 10.1007/s11192-007-1961-z . Trajtenberg , M 1990 A penny for your quotes: Patent citations and the value of
(REPP) 2005 ). It is widely agreed, however, that such counts do not provide adequate assessments of wider benefits from health research (Allen et al. 2009 ; Jones et al. 2004 ). As Lewison ( 2004 ) observes, ‘both paper and patent citation counts may
patent licensing is a contributing factor to transfer new patents, while Spasalis ( 2007 ) detected that the number of forward patent citations positively affects the probability to license a patent. Objectives The aim of this
science be ‘good science’? Exploring the relationship between patent citations and citation impact in nanoscience . Scientometrics 85 2 527 – 539 10.1007/s11192-009-0154-3 . Newman , MEJ
diffusion theory (Liu and Rousseau 2010 ) and the study of interdisciplinarity (Rafols and Meyer 2010 ). In which type of graphs can these ideas be applied? We see possible applications in other citation graphs, e.g. patent citation graphs (Singh
and German patents the more forward citations they received, by looking at USPTO patents citing USPTO patents and German patents citing German patents. The EPO/OECD patent citations database was released in 2004 based on
:// . Criscuolo , P , Verspagen , B . Does it matter where patent citations come from? Inventor vs. examiner citations in European patents . Research Policy 2008 37 10 1892 – 1908 10.1016/j.respol.2008