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The direct toxicity of the essential oil Lavendula officinalis Chais to egg stage and adult females of the predacious mites, Euseius yousefi Zaher and El-Borolossy, Neoseiulus barkeri (hughes), Amblyseius zaheri Yousef and El-Borolossy and Typhlodromus athiase Porth and Swirski was studied. French Lavender oil was highly toxic to both stages of E. yousefi and relatively in toxic to T. athiase. A depression on consumption was recorded on A. zaheri and E. yousefi, while a depression on reproduction was reported only in case of E. yousefi, when females treated with LC25 concentration. French Lavender oil, at concentration of (LC25) was considered to be safe for A. zaheri, N. barkeri and T. athiase, since no mortalities had been recorded.

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implication to pest management. Environ. Entomol. 10 :826–831. Krysan J.L. Feeding and oviposition behaviour and life cycle strategies of Diabrotica: An evolutionary view with implication

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Russian and English abstract). Nagy , B . ( 1957 ): A biológiai látásmód fontossága a növények kártevői elleni védekezésben . (The importance of biological view in controlling agricultural pests*) A növényvédelem időszerű kérdései (Current issues in

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A több mint hatvan éve közöletlen ásatások leleteinek közreadásával Erdély délkeleti részének 13-14. századi anyagi kultúrájáról kapunk képet. Ebben az időszakban ezen a területen Bálványosvár jelentős történelmi szereppel bírt.

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1970 áprilisában Székesfehérváron egy belvárosi lakóház bontása során kisméretű középkori templomromra bukkantak, amelynek egykori felmenő falai helyenként több méter magasan álltak. Kralovánszky Alán 1973-ban újra kutatta az épületet. Jelen cikk célja a régészeti közlésen túl a részletes alaprajzi-szerkezeti-felépítménybeli tipológiai meghatŕ4

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The biology of Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez was studied using two different insect eggs, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller and Parlatoria zizyphus (Lucas) as the food source. The development was faster and reproduction was higher when A. exsertus fed on eggs of E. kuehniella. A total of 97.78 and 75.27 eggs per female were obtained when eggs of E. kuehniella and P. zizyphus were provided respectively. A diet of E. kuehniella (eggs) provided the greatest female longevity and mean total fecundity which resulted in the higher net reproductive rate (Ro) value (61.25), intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm = 0.196) and finite rate of increase (rm = 1.22) per day for A. exsertus. A diet of P. zizyphus (eggs) resulted in close values of T = 21.70; rm = 0.174; e r m = 1.19. The sex rate of the progeny was strongly female biased (female/total = 0.72 and 0.66) when both eggs of E. kuehniella and P. zizyphus were provided.

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Laboratory studies were conducted on the acceptability of pollen grains of Ricinus communis (L.) and Helianthus annuus L. to Amblyseius zaheri Yousef and El-Borolossy, Euseius yousefi Zaher and El-Borolossy, Amblyseius lindquisti Schuster and Pritchard, Typhlodromus balanites El-Badry, Typhlodromus sennarensis El-Badry and Amblyseius cabonus (Schicha) as indicated by effect on development, survival, oviposition and life table parameters. A. zaheri and E. yousefi had a shorter developmental period on both pollen grains than A. lindquisti. Development was not completed in case of T. balanites, T. sennarensis and A. cabonus. A. zaheri and E. yousefi showed the highest oviposition rate when fed R. communis compared to H. annuus. A. lindquisti failed to lay any eggs when fed on both pollen grains. On both predator species, a diet of R. communis provided the shortest generation time (T) relatively, greatest female longevity and mean total fecundity (f) which resulted in the highest net reproductive rate (Ro) value (41.46 and 43.28 expected females per female), intrinsic rate of increase (rm = 0.279 and 0.258) and finite rate of increase (er m = 1.322 and 1.294 per day) for A. zaheri and E. yousefi respectively.

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Two parts of the plant Capparis aegyptia, leaves and fruits, were extracted successfully with 4 different solvents. These solvents namely n-hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and ethanol. These extracts were tested for their toxicity against eggs and adult females of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Extracts of both parts of the plant, prepared from various solvents were affected the behavior, toxicity and fecundity of females under laboratory conditions. Ethyl acetate extract of leaves and fruits was the most potent extract tested against eggs and adult females of T. urticae. In contrast, ethanol extract of fruits was the least effective extract against both tested stages. The egg stage was less susceptible to most different extracts of both parts of C. aegyptia. Leaf discs treated with LC50 concentration of various extracts showed a high percentage of repellency in case of ethanol extract from leaves and fruits (86.67 and 96.42%), respectively. Treated females with LC50 concentration of different extracts showed a higher remarkable percentage of mortality as well as a reduction in the total number of eggs laid during 15 days with fruit extracts than that with leaves extract.

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Life history and reproductive parameters of the predatory mite Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot) were studied, to evaluate its potential as a predator of Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) and Agrotis ipsilon (hufnagel) eggs as an alternative food substance in the laboratory. Total developmental time of the immature stages was the shortest on eggs of S. littoralis , and the longest on eggs of A. ipsilon . Fecundity was highest on eggs of S. littoralis and S. exigua (19.8 eggs/female, 1.25 eggs/female/day and 18.22 eggs/female, 1.27 eggs/female/day) and lowest on A. epsilon eggs (9.0 eggs/female, 0.90 eggs/female/day). A diet of S. littoralis eggs showed a relatively higher values of the net reproductive rate (Ro = 10.945), intrinsic rate of increase (rm = 0.14644) and finite rate of increase (λ = 1.1577 per day) than eggs of S. exigua and A. ipsilon . A diet of A. ipsilon eggs resulted shortest female longevity and lowest total fecundity which resulted in the lowest net reproductive rate (Ro = 5.40), intrinsic rate of increase (rm = 0.10078) and finite rate of increase (λ = 1.106) per day for E. scutalis .

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Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Hella
László Hodinka
Piroska Turbucz
, and
Gábor László Kovács


A 65 éves férfi beteg rheumatoid arthritis miatt napi 4 mg methylprednisolon-bázisterápia mellé öt éven át heti 50 mg etanerceptkezelésben részesült. A betegnél nyaki fájdalom, gyengeség, láz, nyelészavar jelentkezett, amihez normális vérkép mellett gyorsult vörösvértest-süllyedés (88 mm/h), emelkedett CRP (49,3 mg/l) és hyperthyreosis (TSH 0,006 mIU/l, fT4 27,22 pmol/l, fT3 5,61 pmol/l) társultak. A normális tartományban lévő thyreoidea-peroxidáz elleni antitest és TSH-receptor elleni antitest értékei az autoimmun eredetet kizárták. Az ultrahangvizsgálat fokálisan csökkent echószerkezetű és vascularisatiójú pajzsmirigyet jelzett, amelyek alapján az etanerceptkezeléssel összefüggésbe hozható destruktív/szubakut thyreoiditisnek megfelelő betegséget diagnosztizáltunk. Az etanercept elhagyásával, valamint öt napig napi 16 mg, majd hét napig napi 8 mg, majd ezt követően napi 4 mg methylprednisolon adása mellett a beteg klinikai tünetei átmeneti javulás után romlottak, így a methylprednisolon-kezelést megismételtük (öt napig napi 16 mg, majd két hónapig napi 8 mg); ezután a pajzsmirigyfunkció és a gyulladásos állapot rendeződött. Esetismertetésünkben szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet az etanercept egyik – Magyarországon elsőként leírt – esetleges mellékhatására, ami a pajzsmirigyfunkció időszakos ellenőrzését teszi szükségessé. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(39): 1550–1554.

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