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La distribution du cuivre des origines à la fin de l'âge du Bronze en France
Essai de compa-raison des demi-produits provenant de France orientale et de l'Europe centrale
The paper throws fresh light on an important aspect of Augustus' Oriental policy. It is a reassessment of his attitude towards the role the South-Arabian States played in the East-West trade circuit on the one hand, and of his attempts to develop an independent Roman seaborne trade with India on the other. In order to understand the perspective of this undertaking, one has to analyse the far-reaching changes which took place in South Arabia just at that time. The earlier “caravan-kingdoms” had been in a state of decline and have gradually been replaced by the rule of tribal confederations and States of the Highlands. Aelius Gallus' campaign was a total failure showing that the Roman Oriental trade should not be based on military conquest and on a rather expensive direct control of the middlemen.
The conflict between the pagans and the Christian authorities of the Eastern Roman Empire has given birth to numerous polemical discussions among modern commentators, which is due to the fact that our sources on the subject were often biased. The closing of the Neo-Platonic Academy in Athens in 529 has nevertheless been cited as the end of pagan philosophy, even though its last leader, Damascius, would continue his philosophical activity around the Persian border. My paper deals with the persistent reception of one subject that was at odds with the Christian dogma, the cosmogony.
Damascius is also known for his De principiis, a lengthy treaty about the One and the Ineffable that precedes it. Although the work itself is first and foremost an answer to previous Neoplatonists, it is also an extremely valuable source for other lost Pre-Socratic cosmogonies, namely the Orphic ones, which are interpreted alongside other non-Greek creation myths in the final pages of the treatise.
On the other hand, John Lydus provides an intriguing adaptation of such creation myths in De magistratibus reipublicae Romanae, where he combines Platonic and Aristotelian ideas in order to build an explanatory model for the contemporary decline in offices of state. His choice of sources shows, however, that he was likely a pagan himself and that he had professed the official religion in order to avoid persecution. Thus, he bases his argumentation on a pagan cosmogony as a form of resistance against recent changes in Byzantine bureaucracy.
A tatárjárás régészetének újabb távlatai két kiskunsági lelőhely eredményeinek fényében
New aspects of the archaeology of the Mongol invasion of Hungary
Zoltán 2002 Árpád-kori majorság Budaújlak területén (Arpadian Age Manor in the Area of Budaújlak) . Budapest Régiségei (Budapest) 35 , 587 – 615
Előzetes jelentés a röjtökmuzsaji nyakperec depóról
Preliminary report about the neck-ring depot from Röjtökmuzsaj (Hungary)
spatial forms of memory in the Central Alps during the Late Bronze Age . In: Hofmann , K.P. , Bernbeck , R. , és Sommer , U. (Szerk.) , Between Memory Sites and Memory Networks. New Archaeological and Historical Perspectives , Vol. 45 . TOPOI
Ei În Zona Porților De Fier Ale Dunării (Circa 375–565) (The Transition From Antiquity To Early Middle Ages At The Borders Of Empire. Ii. From The First Sisappearance Of Monetary Circulation To Its Rebirth In The Iron Gates Of The Danube, About 375
the sampling carried out near Băgău revealed an unusually strong human impact at the end of the Árpádian Age and the 14 th century AD. These geological and field observations led to the discovery of an Early Árpádian-age settlement too. The study
Hagan) 1983 . Lexique masa (Tchad et Cameroun) . Paris: Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique; Yaoundé , Cameroun : CERDOTOLA, Equipe des langues tchadiennes . Von Calice , Franz 1936 . Grundlagen der ägyptisch
studies on the development of morphology in several languages is that acquisition of inflection and compounding usually starts before the second birthday and that it is well-developed before school age ( Bittner, Dressler & Kilani-Schoch 2003 ; Stephany