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European legislation tend over individual privacy. The 1981 African Charter on Human and People's Rights does not explicitly recognise the right to privacy, although the 'family life' enjoys the protection under Article 18. The American rules are in this

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International Law Journal 553 – 580 . Tietje , C. , ‘ The Applicability of the Energy Charter Treaty in ICSID Arbitration of EU Nationals vs. EU Member States ’ ( 2009 ) 1

Full access
Society and Economy
Raul Manuel Da Silva Laureano
Maria João Cardoso Vieira Machado
, and
Luís Miguel Da Silva Laureano

Management Summer : 45 – 54 . Cotton , B. – Jackman , S. ( 2002 ): Activity Based Costing: Not an Easy ABC . Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand 81 ( 4 ): 35 – 37

Restricted access
Orvosi Hetilap
Péter Kincses
Norbert Kovács
Kázmér Karádi
, and
János Kállai

-study. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord., 2013, 19 (1), 56–61. Bloem, B. R., Stocchi, F.: Move for change Part I: a European survey evaluating the impact of the EPDA Charter for People with Parkinson’s disease. Eur. J. Neurol., 2012

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] Charter M. K. , Gull S. F. Maximum entropy and its application to the calculation of drug absorption rates , Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics , Vol. 15 , No. 6 , 1987 , pp. 4 – 655

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rights recognised in the Charter, and thus does not prevent RT staff from carrying out other activities in the EU, such as research and interviewing (note that when Deutsche Welle was banned, Moscow decided to close the studio and withdraw accreditation

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-Mohács charters (1162–1360) and grants of arms (1418–1833) from the Sopron Archives] (CD-ROM) , Sopron , 2004 . Michal BADA : Historický kontext a obsahové súvislosti niektorých detailov veduty Bratislavy vo florentskom Palazzo Vecchio , Ars , 49 . 2016

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, covering a range of issues. In response to one question, he said, [w]e oppose the wanton use of force or threat of use of force in international relations and believe that all sides should follow the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic

Open access

influence over the political or military actions of a state, by planning, preparation, initiation or execution of an act of aggression in a manner that seriously violates the Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter: UN Charter). 14 According to the Rome

Full access

1968, a special constitutional law was created but it had no major impact on the practice. After 1989, there was a lack of interest in this issue, and the legislation, as originally envisaged by the 1991 Charter, was enacted only in 2001. Yet, it is a

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