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., Willebrand, D., DeKoning Gas, H. J. és mtsai: Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium with glassy-cell featuers-immunohistochemical observations. Histopathology, 1984, 8 , 873–879. DeKoning Gas H. J

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Cook, H. C.: Is there still a place for conventional stains in histopathology? J. Histotech., 1991, 14 , 147–148. Cook H. C

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Campbell, F.: Classification of R1 resections for pancreatic cancer: the prognostic relevance of tumour involvement within 1 mm of a resection margin. Histopathology, 2009, 55 , 277–283. Campbell F

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Magyar Onkológia
Janina Kulka
Ildikó Szirtes
A. Marcell Szász
Péter Kupcsulik
István Kenessey
Gábor Lotz
, and
József Tímár

Assessment of a HER2 scoring system for gastric cancer: results from a validation study Histopathology 52 797 – 805 . 4 Kásler , M , Ottó , Sz 2008 Európai és hazai kihívások az onkológiában

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Magyar Sebészet
Árpád Rózsa
Erzsébet Mellár
Sándor Poczik
Róbert János Bánhegyi
Péter Soós
József Liechtenstein Zábrák
Béla Pikó
István Varga
, and
Aurél Ottlakán

presenting as an ampullary tumour Histopathology 41 6 562 3 . 5. DM Iddings

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Orvosi Hetilap
János Uzsaly
Imre Gerlinger
Gréta Bodzai
Márton Kovács
, and
Péter Bakó

Arnold W. Some remarks on the histopathology of otosclerosis. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 2007; 65: 25–30. 4 Harmat K, Thurén G, Simon L, et al. Comparative evaluation of

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. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 2016. 7 Trpkov K, Hes O. New and emerging renal entities: a perspective post – WHO 2016 classification. Histopathology 2019; 74: 31

Open access

the endometrium with glassy-cell featuers-immunohistochemical observations Histopathology 8 873 – 879 . [6]. D. R. Herbold J. H. Axelrod S. J. Bobowsky 1988 Glassy cell carcinoma of the Fallopian tube. A case report Int. J. Gyn

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The microscopic features of inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysms: Discriminant analysis Histopathology 16 557 564 . 15

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Magyar Onkológia
Borbála Székely
Lilla Madaras
Gyöngyvér Szentmártoni
A. Marcell Szász
Zsuzsanna Baranyák
Liliána Szittya
László Torgyík
Éva Zergényi
Erika Borbényi
István Kenessey
Anna Korompay
Zoltán Langmár
Ferenc Bánhidy
Janina Kulka
, and
Magdolna Dank

-up Histopathology 20 479 489 . 10. W Han SY Kang 2009

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