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. Az endokrin és anyagcsere-betegségek kézikönyve 2011 Ilyés I.: Pajzsmirigy-hyperplasia és adenoma a
Villa, A., Tagliafico, A., Chiesa, F., et al.: Atypical ductal hyperplasia diagnosed at 11-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy performed on suspicious clustered microcalcifications: could patients without residual microcalcifications be managed
from Ligularia fischeri and their hyperplasia inhibition activity of cancer cell . J. Biol. Environ. Cont. 18 , 67 – 73 . 2. Boyle , S. P. , Dobson , V. L. , Duthie
283 314 Hampson, E., Rovet, J. F. and Altmann, D. (1998): Spatial reasoning in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Developmental
A vascularisatio és a proliferatio prognosztikai szerepe májmetastasist adó rectumcarcinomákban
Prognostic role of vascularisation and proliferation in rectal cancer with liver metastasis
Watson D Lngber D Hanahan 1989 Introduction of angiogenesis during the transition from hyperplasia to neoplasia
A pancreas praecancerosisai: intraepithelialis neoplasia (PanIN) és intraductalis papillaris mucinosus neoplasia (IPMN)
Precursors of Pancreatic cancer: Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMN)
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Gong, G., DeVries, S., Chew, K. L. és mtsai: Genetic changes in paired atypical and usual ductal hyperplasia of the breast by comparative genomic hybridization. Clin. Cancer Res., 2001, 7 , 2410–2414. Chew K
for treatment: twenty years’ experience. Hepatogastroenterology, 2008, 55 (82–83), 592–595. 11 Ott, R., Hohenberger, W.: Focal nodular hyperplasia and liver
.: Studies on the hyperplasia (‘regeneration’) of the rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Changes in lipid peroxidation and general biochemical aspects. Biochem. J., 1990, 265 (1), 51
data, there was a significant difference between the ODI and apnea–hypopnea index in the OSA patients who did and did not have carotid intima-media hyperplasia in this study. Demİrel et al. [ 29 ] put forth in their study that low serum total bilirubin