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. Az endokrin és anyagcsere-betegségek kézikönyve 2011 Ilyés I.: Pajzsmirigy-hyperplasia és adenoma a

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Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Mátrai
Gusztáv Gulyás
Csaba Kunos
Ákos Sávolt
Emil Farkas
András Szollár
, and
Miklós Kásler

Villa, A., Tagliafico, A., Chiesa, F., et al.: Atypical ductal hyperplasia diagnosed at 11-gauge vacuum-assisted breast biopsy performed on suspicious clustered microcalcifications: could patients without residual microcalcifications be managed

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from Ligularia fischeri and their hyperplasia inhibition activity of cancer cell . J. Biol. Environ. Cont. 18 , 67 – 73 . 2. Boyle , S. P. , Dobson , V. L. , Duthie

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283 314 Hampson, E., Rovet, J. F. and Altmann, D. (1998): Spatial reasoning in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Developmental

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A vascularisatio és a proliferatio prognosztikai szerepe májmetastasist adó rectumcarcinomákban

Prognostic role of vascularisation and proliferation in rectal cancer with liver metastasis

Magyar Sebészet
Gábor Bognár
Andreas Imdahl
Bíborka Bereczky
György Ledniczky
Gábor István
Éva Katalin Tóth
Christian Ihling
, and
Pál Ondrejka

Watson D Lngber D Hanahan 1989 Introduction of angiogenesis during the transition from hyperplasia to neoplasia

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A pancreas praecancerosisai: intraepithelialis neoplasia (PanIN) és intraductalis papillaris mucinosus neoplasia (IPMN)

Precursors of Pancreatic cancer: Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMN)

Magyar Sebészet
György Ledniczky
Gábor Bognár
Bíborka Bereczky
Loránd Barabás
, and
Pál Ondrejka

. S Kozuka R Sassa T Taki 1979 Relation of pancreatic duct hyperplasia to cracinoma

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Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Mátrai
László Tóth
Mária Bidlek
Éva Szabó
Emil Farkas
Ákos Sávolt
László Góbor
Alexandra Bartal
, and
Miklós Kásler

Gong, G., DeVries, S., Chew, K. L. és mtsai: Genetic changes in paired atypical and usual ductal hyperplasia of the breast by comparative genomic hybridization. Clin. Cancer Res., 2001, 7 , 2410–2414. Chew K

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for treatment: twenty years’ experience. Hepatogastroenterology, 2008, 55 (82–83), 592–595. 11 Ott, R., Hohenberger, W.: Focal nodular hyperplasia and liver

Open access

.: Studies on the hyperplasia (‘regeneration’) of the rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Changes in lipid peroxidation and general biochemical aspects. Biochem. J., 1990, 265 (1), 51

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data, there was a significant difference between the ODI and apnea–hypopnea index in the OSA patients who did and did not have carotid intima-media hyperplasia in this study. Demİrel et al. [ 29 ] put forth in their study that low serum total bilirubin

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