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this manuscript the final result of which was my MA-thesis written under the supervision of Alice Sárközi and Katalin Uray-Kohalmi. This paper is the extract of my thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors for their intellectual and

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. Secondary sources Benn , James A . 2016 . ‘Buddhism, Bodies, Medicine, and Spellcraft .’ Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 76 : 181 – 195 . Boltz , William G . 1996 . ‘Notes on the Authenticity of the Suo Tan Manuscript of the Lao

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. Social character, pictorial style, and the grammar of technical illustrations in Craftmen’s manuscripts in the late middle ages , in Picturing machines 1400–1700 , Cambridge, Mass , MIT Press , 2004 , pp. 85 – 111 . [20

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Henk F. Moed
Lisa Colledge
Jan Reedijk
Felix Moya-Anegon
Vicente Guerrero-Bote
Andrew Plume
, and
Mayur Amin

identify tiers. As a consequence authors have started to develop strategic behaviour in submitting manuscripts to journals. This was easily noticed by some specialist referees, who first received a manuscript to review from an editor of a high-TRIF journal

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the mediation is followed by decision-making, should the parties fail to reach agreement (for example in the case of the Justice of Peace). References Blegvad , Britt-Mari 1979 The Consumer in Denmark. Law and Dispute Treatment . Manuscript to

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comments, and the loan of his books. I would like to thank Ágnes Tóvizi for her productive consultation, and for her assistance in arranging for me to view the original Gradual. I thank Ferenc Földesi, head of the Department of Manuscripts at the National

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ortodoxia története Magyarországon a XVIII. századig . Szeged, 1995. 77–83. Кочиш 1999–2001 = The Szeged Minea . A Cyrillic Manuscript from the Late 16th Century . A text edition by Mihály Kocsis. (Bibliotheca Slavica Savariensis

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-Hard : Zusammenfassung in der Art eines Katalogeintrags, in könig Berliner 1998 , 165 – 173 . British Library: Digitised Manuscripts – Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in

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La Vie de Sabas le Jeune et la Vie de Christophe et Macaire par Oreste de Jérusalem •

Hagiographies ‘transméditerranéennes’ entre Palestine, Constantinople, Rome et l’Italie du Sud byzantine

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Annick Peters-Custot
Filippo Ronconi

n. 15 et Bianconi , D. : Greek Palaeography. In Bausi, A. et al. : Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies. An Introduction . Hamburg 2015, 297–305. Les ff. 30v–31r présentent des marginalia figurés : voir plus bas. 64 Le f. 1r est plutôt abîmé

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.] Trần Thế Pháp 陳世法. Lĩnh Nam chích quái 嶺南摭怪 [Wondrous Tales of Linh Nam]. Edited by Vũ Quỳnh 武瓊 (1452–1516) and Kiều Phú 喬富 (1447–?). An undated manuscript from the National Library of Vietnam, Hanoi (ca

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