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involved in mentoring and the trainee; participation in the working meetings of the mentoring team. The general education institution will promote and support mentoring of all types, including in its organizational chart and strategic planning aspects

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 to their immediate environment. Economic adjustment and sustenance is essential to the overall adjustment of any retiree in any organization. One of the outcomes that follow retirement is the stoppage of financial flows such as salary, allowances and other

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social organisation. Even though many authors including Martini stressed welfare and happiness as fundamental for the state, in practice the benefits were limited to upper layers, and the position of the sovereign was still dominant. He was the ruler and

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capital and it has been proven that its strength significantly increases individual and organizational performance ( Luthans et al., 2007 ). One of the building blocks, based on Bandura (1998) , is called self-efficacy; when an individual can mobilize his

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acquisition of expertise, competence development has become the focus of higher education. According to several studies, there is a strong demand from the labor market that graduates have advanced communication, organizational and problem-solving skills

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, human resources, research organization, and educational content. The government privatized and brought the major part of public higher education under political control. Consequently, the civil service status of those employed in these universities was

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international organizations in terms of contemporary power struggles and international power relations. Interpreting photos, cartoons, and other image sources. Analysis of party documents, programs, minutes, reports. Table 2. The skills requirements of leaving

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conference papers and reports by International agencies such as UNESCO and the World Health Organization. Our search included n = 67 documents (41 studies, nine reports, 17 systematic and literature reviews) written in English and peer-reviewed from 2000 to

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organizational arrangements that political frameworks allow to make of VET an educational offering? How do education and training providers handle and move around these in order to make vocational education successful in terms of the aims the society assigns to

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organizations. A close look at the different aims pursued by VET systems offers an interesting perspective for a better understanding of their evolution and of their specificities. By adopting an exploratory approach, we will show the interest in

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