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Introduction: Psychedelic Use in Human Antiquity When human ancestors first intentionally ingested psychedelics will forever remain unknown, but what is certain is that millions of years ago hominins encountered psilocybin
Introduction What are we to make of reports of psychedelic entities, experiences of autonomous beings often experienced on psychedelics? Many reports of psychedelic entity experiences allege that they are not a hallucination
required to produce the psychedelic effects, which result from MAOI inhibiting the metabolism of orally ingested DMT ( McKenna, Towers, & Abbott, 1984 ; Riba et al., 2003 ). The psychoactive effects of DMT are comparable to those of other psychedelics that
We are currently witnessing a renaissance in psychedelic research. Recent work in psychiatry has been remarkably promising with a large magnitude therapeutic effects after even single drug administrations, particularly for existential distress or
Introduction This paper explores the effects of psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) to treat trauma and, relatedly, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that can result from traumatic experiences are
Introduction N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (N, N-DMT) is a naturally occurring tryptamine-based alkaloid and classic psychedelic. The potent psychoactive properties of N, N-DMT are mediated by serotonin 2A (5-HT 2A ) receptor
. For example, one academic journal's aside suggests that only 20% of patients would need novel approaches like psychedelics ( Cowen, 2016 ). A CNN report suggests that non-psychedelic treatments do not work “for everybody,” as if almost all patients
Review ( Valentish, 2018 ). Microdosing involves taking small quantities of psychedelic substances at regular or semi-regular intervals with the intention to improve psychological wellbeing, work performance and/or creativity ( Fadiman, 2011 ). Classic
Introduction Psychedelics are powerful psychoactive compounds that alter sensory perception, mood and affect cognitive processes ( Swanson, 2018 ). Scientific interest in psychedelics has grown substantially in the Global North (GN) in the early
Introduction Serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT 2A R) agonists, also known as classic psychedelics ( Vollenweider & Kometer, 2010 ), have been utilized by humans for millennia. Classic psychedelics can be divided into the sub