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with the possibility of energy recovery of the produced biogas in the cogeneration units and the combustion boilers. The recipient is the Nitra river in the river kilometer 52.5 ( Fig. 1 ). The basic design parameters of the new WWTP are in Table I
discrepancy between the public perception of poverty and the idea of a welfare system which is considered to be generous, and which includes various types of public aid for a wide range of recipients. This finding is in line with the findings of van Oorschot
Primary human cytomegalovirus infection and the viral reactivation from latency are major complications in organ transplant recipients. In the peripheral blood the replicating virus can be detected either by nucleic acid based tests or by demonstrating the HCMV structural proteins in antigenemia test. We developed a quantitative competitive PCR method to assess the HCMV load in the peripheral blood. The viral load in nine healthy blood donors and in four renal transplant recipients with negative antigenemia test was in the same range: 5-124 (median: 18) HCMV copies/106 b-globin copies for healthy blood donors and 16-48 (median: 37) HCMV copies/106 b-globin copies for the transplant recipients. Three antigenemia positive renal transplant recipients had a HCMV load of 2,2´105/106 b-globin, 1,5´104/106 b-globin and 6,5´103/106 b-globin, respectively. In conclusion, the quantitative measurement of HCMV load in the peripheral blood correlated well with the routine HCMV antigenemia test. The DNA-based test, however can detect earlier the reactivation of the HCMV infection.
Az antitestmediált rejekció diagnosztikája és kezelése gyakorlatunkban
Management of antibody-mediated rejection after kidney transplantation in our clinical practice
recipients. Kidney Int Rep. 2020; 5: 1448–1458. 2 Viglietti D, Loupy A, Aubert O, et al. Dynamic prognostic score to predict kidney allograft survival in patients with
Ki adná a veséjét, és ki nem?
Az élő donoros vesetranszplantációt érintő hiedelmek, ismeretek és hozzáállás vizsgálata az egyéni értékrenddel összefüggésben
Who would and who would not become a living kidney donor?
Beliefs, knowledge and attitude about living kidney transplantation in relation to personal values
: 3678–3681. 10 Matas AJ, Gillingham KJ, Humar A, et al. 2202 Kidney transplant recipients with 10 years of graft function: what happens next? Am J Transplant
References 1. Bonitz , M. 1995 Comments on Robert K. Merton, recipient of the 1995 Derek de Solla Price award Scientometrics
., Wolfe, R. A., et al.: Long-term survival in renal transplant recipients with graft function. Kidney Int., 2000, 57 (1), 307–313. 12 Lentine, K. L., Costa, S. P
Cytomixis has been described in many plant species, but not in Thinopyrum . The present study reports spontaneous cytomixis during microsporogenesis in Thinopyrum intermedium (2n = 42), Thinopyrum ponticum (2n = 70), and their F 1 hybrids with wheat. Cytomixis frequently occurred in early prophase I but very rarely in meiosis II. The type of cytomixis that occurred most often was where chromatins migrate from one nucleus into an adjacent cel1. Migration from one nucleus into two or more cells or from two or more nuclei into one cel1 was also observed. After a donor cell transferred chromatin to a recipient cell, the recipient cell would sometimes pass the chromatin on to another cell. Migration did not necessarily occur between cells in the same stage. Cytomixis in Th. ponticum and its hybrids with wheat was more complex than that in Th. intermedium . The possible causes, cytological consequences and genetic significance of cytomixis are discussed.
A change in scientific developments in recent decades is widely proclaimed which may be associated with terms like postmodern science or steady state science. This change is usually discussed from a more epistemological viewpoint. In order to enhance the understanding of the underlying key factors, bibliometric, demographic and Nobel Prize recipient data spanning of the last hundred years are considered and analyzed. It is found that in general the considered data point to a quasi-steady state in bibliometric developments of highly developed countries. For emerging countries, such a steady state is not yet attained; therefore, the research output in scientific journal articles is still expected to rise considerably. Consequences and interpretations of an ever growing research output in relation to the increasing age of Nobel Prize recipients are discussed and conclusions are drawn from the considered data.
Compared to the known method of conjugation the frequency of transposon mutagenesis following conjugation was enhanced 11-fold by two hours of pre-incubation of recipient Pseudomonas viridiflava 1 on conjugation media. The increased frequency was ƒ = 1.3 × 10 −4 . In other species of Pseudomonas, Pectobacteira and Xanthomonas high rates of transposon mutants were similarly obtained; however, in these strains the increased frequency was less than 5-fold.