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Comparing two ureter reimplantation techniques in kidney transplant recipients Transpl Int 19 802 806 . 6. A
R.A. Li 2005 Functional integration of electrically active cardiac derivatives from genetically engineered human embryonic stem cells with quiescent recipient ventricular cardiomyocytes: insights into
, Steroid treatment Nocardia farcinica MINO, AN, SXT Cured [ 10 ] 1994 45/F Perinephric and psoas abscess Renal transplant recipient, Immunosuppressive therapy Nocardia asteroides Surgical drainage CIP, FUR Cured [ 11 ] 2002 64/M Granulomatous pneumonitis
complications associated with new-onset diabetes mellitus in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation, 2007, 83 (8), 1027–1034. 4 Schiel, R., Heinrich, S., Steiner, T., et
improves diagnosis of post renal transplant diabetes mellitus in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation, 2005, 80 , 775–781. Demme R. A. Home glucometer monitoring markedly
Kihívás a hepatitis C-vírus-elimináció korában: miért van szükség a HCV elleni vakcinációra?
The challenge of the age of hepatitis C virus elimination: why is HCV vaccination necessary?
: 32956768. 48 Feld JJ, Cypel M, Kumar D, et al. Short-course, direct-acting antivirals and ezetimibe to prevent HCV infection in recipients of organs from
Gépi perfúzió a vesetranszplantációban
Machine perfusion in kidney transplantation
] 5 Frei U, Noeldeke J, Machold-Fabrizii V, et al. Prospective age-matching in elderly kidney transplant recipients – a 5-year analysis of the Eurotransplant Senior Program. Am J Transplant
El-Serg, H. B., Siegel, A. B., Davila, J. A., et al.: Treatment and outcomes of treating hepatocellular carcinoma among medicare recipients in the United States: A population-based study. J. Hepatol., 2006, 340 , 745
. 1996 21 277 284 Trevors, J. T.: Survival of Escherichia coli donor, recipient, and transconjugant
Az anti-SARS-CoV-2-IgG-antitest-immunválaszok monitorozása magyarországi egészségügyi dolgozók két kohorszában fertőzést, illetve immunizálást követően
Monitoring of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody immune responses in two cohorts of Hungarian healthcare workers following infection or immunization
162b2 vaccine recipients. Lancet 2021; 397: 875–877. 11 Chemaitelly H, Tang P, Hasan MR, et al. Waning of BNT162b2 vaccine protection against SARS