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work of Fanon and others show, phenomenal experience is inseparable from our being in the world. Culturally elaborated social categories and their historical manifestations act on embodied beings who are differently positioned within the social
organizations was to banish religious content from the celebrations of personal life. 7 Following a standard scenario, they were organized by council staff and local representatives of various social organizations ( Tóth 2016 ). After the introduction of the
knowledge transfer that is assumed. This set of queries eventually enables us to discuss how social structure and nature of knowledge is related. In other words, how nature of knowledge influences social organization and in return how social settings
networks? Will there be an analogue to Whitley's ( 2000 ) finding that the social organisation of scientists varied with the degrees of task uncertainty and mutual dependency faced by those scientists? For sufficiently long simulation runs, the difficulty
. They pointed out that scientists collaborate with each other to gain visibility, to exploit synergies or to rationalise resources. Their working hypothesis was that “preferential attachment” is related more closely to an intellectual and a social
A Serdülő Reziliencia Kérdőív (READ) magyar nyelvű adaptációja
Hungarian adaptation of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents
). Patterns of attachment, interpersonal relationships and health . In D. Blane , E. Brunner , & R. Wilkonson (Eds.), Health and social organization (pp. 125 – 151 ). New York : Routledge . Fossati , M. , Negri , L. , Fianco , A. , Cocchi
relics of the social organization, administrative history, ownership history, and settlement ethnography of the Szeklers' past. References Bárth , János 2007 Az eleven székely tizes. A csíkszentgyörgyi és a csíkbánkfalvi tizesek működése a XVII
centers, but participated in their day-to-day maintenance and operation (by providing teachers and communal kitchen vouchers) only if the local social organizations were unable to do so on their own. 20 In February 1903, the committee for daycare centers
:81–83). The disruption/disappearance of the traditional peasant environment, the transformation of the economic structure, and the dissolution of traditions and their normative force have resulted in the disappearance of the village as a social
of life, low income, job shortages, and poverty. These processes are even more pronounced in rural areas ( INCCV 2017 ). The social organization decisions made in Romania after 1989 have led to the deterioration of Romanian society. In