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Betegellátásban dolgozók munkahelyi jóllétének vizsgálata két Zala megyei kórházban

Examination of professionals’ well-being working in health sector in two Zala county hospitals

Orvosi Hetilap
Szabolcs Cseh
Judit Fináncz
Dávid Sipos
Gábor Stromájer
, and
Melinda Csima

csoportjaiban.] Mentálhig Pszichoszom. 2012; 13: 219–241. [Hungarian] 9 Diener E, Suh EM, Lucas RE, et al. Subjective well-being: three decades of progress

Open access

1789 Blanchflower, D. — Oswald, A. (2004): Well-Being Over Time in Britain and the US. Journal of Public Economics , 88: 1359

Restricted access

. Participants were asked to respond to an Internet survey (online platform SoSci Survey; ) taking about 30 min to complete. The survey included measures of orthorexic behaviors, well-being and distress, eating behaviors, pathological eating

Open access

A jóllét és a mentális egészség mérése: a Mentális Egészség Teszt

Measuring well-being and mental health: The Mental Health Test

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
András Vargha
Virág Zábó
Regina Török
, and
Attila Oláh

Irodalom Bech , P. , Gudex , C. , & Johansen , K.S. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) well-being index: validation in diabetes . Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics , 65 ( 4 ), 183 – 190 . Beck , A.T. , Guth , D. , Steer , R. A. , & Ball , R

Open access

Az érzelmi intelligencia összefüggései az álomjellemzőkkel, az alexitímiával és a globális jólléttel

Relationships between emotional intelligence, dream characteristics, alexithymia and global well-being

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Laura Fenyves
Henriett Bányai-Nagy

measures and enhanced by keeping a logbook? A review . Consciousness and Cognition , 33 , 364 – 374 . Austin , E. J. , Saklofske , D. H. , & Egan , V. ( 2005 ). Personality, well-being

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A gondozás hatása a családi gondozók érzelmi jóllétére és egészségére.

Állapotfelmérés a COPE Index alapján

The impact of caregiving on the emotional well-being and health of family caregivers.

A condition assessment based on the COPE Index
Orvosi Hetilap
Márton Bagyura
Anett Mária Leleszi-Tróbert
, and
Zsuzsanna Széman

Post D, van Agteren J, Kasai D, et al. Caring for carers: Understanding the physical and psychological well-being of carers of veterans in Australia. Health Soc Care Community 2022, 30: e793–e803

Open access
Hungarian Medical Journal
Lajos Ángyán
Csilla Antal
Tamás Téczely
, and
István Karsai

. 2003 25 492 496 Lee, R. L., Loke, A. J.: Health-promoting behaviors and psychosocial well-being of

Restricted access

flexibility PF includes the processes and behaviors linked with being “open, aware, and active” ( Vlaeyen, 2014 , p. 235) and is positively associated with greater well-being ( Arslan & Allen, 2022 ; Davis, Barrett, & Griffiths, 2020 ). PF has been defined in

Open access
Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Olivér Lubics
Katalin Vadai
Tímea Magyaródi
, and
Henriett Nagy

. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 17 ( 13 ). 10.3390/ijerph17134817 Anglim , J ., Horwood , S ., Smillie , L. D ., Marrero , R. J ., & Wood , J. K . ( 2020 ). Predicting psychological and subjective well-being from

Open access

al. (2010). Zufrieden trotz sinkenden materiellen Wohlstands . Letöltve: 2014. 07. 23-án: Brown, K.W., & Kasser, T. (2005). Are psychological and ecological well-being

Open access