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hundred elements, containing the data of the two leagues starting from the 2014/2015 season up to the 2017/2018 season. When choosing the time period for the study, we intended to avoid having to deal with the impact of Covid-19, which is why we picked
adapted. They have greatly improved the dynamic stability. However, the very new Covid-19 relied algorithm is discussed by report in [ 28 ]. The algorithm performed exceptionally well. Therefore, the same algorithm is utilized in this article. 1
limitations. First of all, the sample size could be increased, and the respondents could only be from Hungary. The sample was gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could have an influence on the responses. Therefore, results should be interpreted with
Evolution and Cyclicality in Rural Tourism •
Experience of Tourism Development in the Inner-Őrség in the Light of Statistical Data
Fejlődés és ciklikusság a vidéki turizmusban •
A Belső-Őrség turizmusfejlődésének tapasztalatai a statisztikai adatok tükrében
– Perez-Laborda , Alejandro – Turrion-Prats , Judith – Fernández-Fernández , Melchor : Covid-19 and Tourism Vulnerability
1 Introduction Our university has considered innovative technologies in order to improve education and overcome obstacles. With the outbreak of COVID-19, routine tasks that were previously thought to be routine were evaluated at a number of points
. [5] E. Shadkam , “ Cuckoo optimization algorithm in reverse logistics: a network design for COVID-19 waste management ,” Waste Manag. &Research: J. a Sustain. Circular Economy , 2021 , 0734242X2110039 . [6] K. Ahmad , K. Khan , and A. Al
affected by hunger even before Covid-19 [ 4 ]. However, 2.3 billion tons of cereals are needed to feed the world's population of 7.9 billion. Food cultivation must increase by 50% annually to meet current demand [ 5 , 6 ]. Global food security will require
summarises the rankings achieved by the teams in recent seasons. It should be noted here that the 2019/20 season, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was suspended in March 2020, after the first match of the middle-stage, and then closed without final results
.1177/21582440211047576 . [20] K. Ragazou , I. Passas , and G. Sklavos , “ Investigating the strategic role of digital transformation path of SMEs in the era of COVID-19: a bibliometric analysis using R ,” Sustainability , vol. 14 , p. 11295 , 2022 . https
studies to assess for cancer alone. Other types of agents acute effects may also require that level of evidence to derive occupational exposure limits. In addition, because of restrictions imposed by COVID-19 sanitary measures, practically no