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COVID–19 és haemostasis
Haemostasis and COVID-19 pandemic
Irodalom 1 Ackermann M, Verleden SE, Kuehnel M, et al. Pulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis and angiogenesis in COVID-19. N Engl J Med. 2020
Posztakut COVID–19 szindróma
Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
References 1 Salehi S, Abedi A, Balakrishnan S, et al. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a systematic review of imaging findings in 919 patients. Am J
, China. JAMA 2020; 323: 1061–1069. 2 World Health Organization. WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19. 13 April, 2020. Available from
Ambuláns rehabilitációs programok COVID–19-betegek számára
Outpatient rehabilitation programs for COVID-19 patients
References 1 Váradi A, Ferenci T, Falus A. The coronavirus-induced COVID–19 pandemic. Previous experiences and scientific evidences at the end of March
Súlyos choreiform mozgászavar COVID–19-betegséget követően
Severe choreiform movement disorder following COVID–19
References 1 Grimm BG, Natteru PA, Groth CL. New-onset chorea post-COVID-19 infection: a case report. Cureus 2023; 15: e41327
References 1 Governmental decree 1012/2020. (I. 31.) on establishing Executive board on defense against COVID–19. [A Kormány 1012/2020. (1. 31.) Korm
References 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). CDC, Atlanta, GA, 2020 March 21. Available from: https
A COVID–19-hez kapcsolódó májenzim-emelkedés valószínűleg multifaktoriális eredetű
COVID–19-associated liver enzyme elevation is probably multifactorial
References 1 World Health Organization. Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 – 1 February 2022. Available from:
A COVID–19-járvány hatása a gyermekkori herecsavarodások kimenetelére
Effect of the COVID–19 pandemic on the outcome of testicular torsion in children
References 1 Ludvigsson JF. Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults. Acta Paediatr. 2020; 109
Koronavírus-világjárvány – a COVID–19-kaleidoszkóp ma (2022. május)
Coronavirus pandemic – the COVID–19 kaleidoscope today (May, 2022)
References 1 2 https