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References Árkai , P. 1991 : Kishõmérsékletû regionális metamorfózis (Low temperature regional metamorphism) . — DSc Thesis. Budapest, 190 p

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Szederkényi, T. 1984: Crystalline basement of the Great Hungarian Plain and its geological connections. - Unpubl. D.Sc. Thesis, Budapest (in Hung.). Newton, R.C., H.T. Haselton 1981: Thermodynamics of the garnet

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környezettörténete) DSc Thesis, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest 428 . H.A. Synal M. Stocker

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the Carpathian-Pannonian Region . DSc Thesis, Budapest, 290 p. (In Hungarian.). S. Harangi L. Lenkey 2007

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Alföld aljzataban . D.Sc. Thesis (in Hungarian) . M Tóth , T. and Vargáne Tóth , I. ( 2020 ). Lithologically controlled behaviour of the Dorozsma metamorphic hydrocarbon reservoir (Pannonian Basin, SE Hungary) . Journal of Petroleum Science and

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, J. , Vona , A. , Kovács , I. J. , Fintor , K. , Buday , T. , Scarani , A. , & Harangi , Sz. ( 2019 ). Cooling and hydration of the Carpathian obsidian, a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (DTA) and infrared

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–122. Murányi, A., 2003. Characterization of the factors determining the quality of soils. (In Hungarian) D.Sc. dissertation. Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest. Pawlowska, T. E. & Chavrat, I., 2004. Heavy

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. Lehoczky É. , 2004 a. A gyomnövények szerepe a talaj-növény rendszer tápanyagforgalmában . DSc Disszertáció . Keszthely

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