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). He has studied theology, history and education in Budapest (Hungary), Szeged (Hungary) and Cluj-Napoca (Romania). He has received his PhD from the University of Szeged, his C.Sc (Candidate of Sciences) and D.Sc (Doctor of Sciences) from the Hungarian

Open access


This article begins with a brief overview of the characteristics of illiberal democracy proclaimed in Hungary and followed by Poland, the once 'Musterkinder' of European integration and compliance with the EU values and law. In the second part the weaknesses of multi-level constitutionalism is analyzed by addressing the Hungarian and Polish illiberal turn. The third part consists of a country-specific contextual analysis examining remedies to illiberal democracy in a normative focus.

Open access

Sustainability, as comp ared to the rule of law, human rights, sovereignty or democracy, is a relatively new constitutional key concept. It is mentioned explicitly more and more in constitutional discourses, and – even more importantly – it helps to reconstruct a number of current constitutional debates under one conceptual umbrella. Sustainability comprises different responses to long term social challenges which cannot efficiently be responded to via democratic mechanisms. Democratic mechanisms are based on election terms and which are, consequently, structurally short-sighted. By ‘European constitutional law’, I mean in this paper both the primary law of the EU and domestic constitutional documents. In the present paper is am first going to sketch the nature and the types of the sustainability challenges that contemporary societies face, with a special focus on Europe (environmental, demographic and financial). In the main part of the paper, I am going to show possible constitutional responses to these challenges. Finally, I will summarise the main argument of the paper which is a suggestion to set up an economic constitutional court consisting of economists with the power to annul laws if these contradict the principles of sustainability.

Open access

Badó , Attila , A bírói függetlenség egyes garanciális elemeinek összehasonlító vizsgálata (The Comparative Analysis of Certain Elements of Judicial Independence) ( Dsc. Dissertation 2017

Free access

. , Aquincum instrumentum domesticum-feliratai (Inscriptions on instrumenta domestica in Aquincum) ( 2011 ) DSc Thesis < > accessed 18 June 2024 . Fehér , B. , ‘Centuria-jelzések aquincumi feliratos emlékeken

Full access

to music pedagogy had been published. The editor of this series is Gabriella Pusztai, DSc. In 2019, the volume edited by Judit Váradi and Tímea Szűcs was entitled “ The Past, Present and Future of Music Pedagogy – Handbook of the Presentations of the

Open access