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control of wheeled mobile robots Latin American Applied Research 38 7 – 16 .

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A leprától a spanyolnátháig.

Szemelvények a medicina egyetemes és magyar vonatkozásaiból, kitekintéssel annak hadtörténeti vonatkozásaira az első világháborúig

Leprosy to Spanish Fever.

Excerpts of the Universal and Hungarian Aspects of Medicine with a View to their Military-Historical Aspects
Scientia et Securitas
Katalin Mária Kincses
Sándor Szakály

–137. 5 Balázs P. (2007) Mária Terézia 1770-es egészségügyi alaprendelete. Az előszót írta: Kapronczay Károly. A fordítást a latin eredetivel egybevetette: Magyar László András. A zárófejezetet írta

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complicated if it is composed of many elements and is difficult to comprehend or perform. In contrast, complex means composed of different elements combined in a manner that is difficult to analyze [ 1 ]. The Latin word complexus , generally refers to the

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In this paper the following themes ate discussed: the original meaning of two words: the Greek ballein (βάλλω) and the Latin aleatory (aleatorius). The signs of subtraction (−), division (\), and absolute value (|a|). The meanings of the words hyperbola (ύπɛρβάλλω) and symbol (σύμβgoλgoν). The sign of the Greek and Saint Andrew’s Cross (Crux decussata), addition (+) and multiplication (X).Origin in the Eucledian geometry and in the hyperbolic space. The center point of the ball and the Cartesian coordinate system on the sphere.The crucifix: its horizontal direction is a stretching line, reciprocal vector (←→, ↔), its vertical direction (on the cross) gravitates (↓), and rises at the time of the church building (↕). Corpuscular matrix, the mosaic and the experience of color in divisionism (the centre point of the quadruple division, grid and pixel). The modern gnostic idea of the geometrical model, the logic of “there is only one whole” and a defense of the immortality of the soul (Bernard Bolzano).

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reducing slums: Lessons from experience in Latin America , Environment and Urbanization , Vol. 15 , No. 2 , 2003 , pp. 201 – 216 . [11] Aysan Y

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References [1] Euler L. Determination of the loads, which are strong enough to bear the pillars , (in Latin

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stability analysis of soil slopes using Gaussian process regression with Latin hypercube sampling , Computers and Geotechnics , Vol. 63 , 2015 , pp. 13 – 25 . [11] Guillaume

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satisfaction in a Latin American city , Cities , Vol. 69 , 2017 , pp. 12 ‒ 19 . [10] Greed C. Inclusive urban

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The potential of the Visegrad Cooperation (V4) for the safe restarting of tourism in the region following the COVID-19 epidemic

A Visegrádi Együttműködésben (V4) rejlő potenciál a régió turizmusának Covid-19 járványt követő biztonságos újraindításában

Scientia et Securitas
Gábor Michalkó
József Németh
Panna Tokodi
Tamás Kamal Abboud
, and
Zoltán Birkner

and drowning prevention for travelers. Journal of Travel Medicine, Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 21–34. 16 Crawshaw, J., Latin, I., & Vongsathorn, K. (eds 2020) Tracing

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.C. , and Pandey , J.P. ( 2015 ). Development and testing of pedal operated wild apricot pit grader . Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

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