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plastic production, Asia, North America, and Europe dominate the world market. While Africa, Latin America, and the Commonwealth of Independent States countries also contribute to world production. China and Japan have experienced massive growth in the

Open access

Fourier-transzformációs közép-infravörös spektroszkópia alapú szervesanyag-tartalom becslés tábla szintű reprezentativitás-vizsgálata kemometriai módszerekkel

Representativity analysis of middle-infrared spectroscopy-based Organic Carbon assessment on field-scale by chemometric methods

Agrokémia és Talajtan
József Attila Tóth
Réka Döbröntey
Tamás Szegi
Erika Michéli
, and
Ádám Csorba

; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5722 . Pahlavan Rad , M. R ., Toomanian , N ., Khormali , F ., Brungard , C. W ., Komaki , C. B ., Bogaert , P . ( 2014 ). Updating Soil Survey Maps Using Random Forest And Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling In The

Open access

Mulder, V. L., de Bruin, S. & Schaepman, M. E. , 2013. Representing major soil variability at regional scale by constrained Latin Hypercube Sampling of remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 21 . 301

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