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, Jörundur 1987 . ‘Reflexes of I.-E. *suH 2 nto-/-ōn “sunny” in Germanic and Tocharian.’ Die Sprache 33: 56 – 78 . Hilmarsson , Jörundur 1989 . ‘Rounding and Exceptions from Rounding in East Tocharian.’ Indogermanische Forschungen 94 : 101

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than in finite main clauses and in the newly emerging finite embedded clauses. (4) a. pro i ne fordo'l-'l-on mˉg [pron i o ̗ k o ̗ ntos- o ̗ fel-uèn-ni ] not turn- sbjv- 3 sg back he gown-3 sg on-put- inf ‘he should not turn back to put on his gown

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. R udenko , S zergej I. / Р уденко , С ергей И. 1960 Культура населения Центрального Алтая в скифское время . Москва–Ленинград. S alo , U nto

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