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, vocational school (without high school diploma) 207 Hajdú-Bihar 54 Heves 30 High school, vocational high school (high school diploma) 352 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 38 Komárom-Esztergom 31 University, college (diploma) or higher 247 Nógrád 20 Pest 130 Type of

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. Matlekovits Sándor (1872): A kereskedelmi szakoktatás. Pest. A kereskedelmi szakoktatás. Mihály Ildikó (1998): Üjdonságok a szakképzés

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* The authors are grateful to the two anonymous referees for their helpful comments, and to Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia for financial support (PEst-OE/EGE/UI0315/2011). The usual

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family farms operate socially responsibly. They have ethical attributes related to the development of the local community (e.g., cooperation with other family farms) and environmental protection (e.g., waste sorting, use of organic fertilizers and pest

Open access

than 35 years. 44% of the sample is male and 56% is female. 70% of the sample has tertiary education. 51% of the sample lives in Budapest, 11% in Pest County and 38% elsewhere. The survey represents the opinions of the potential Hungarian target market

Open access