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Budapest is famous for its thermal springs and spas and outstanding thermal water resources. In the 21st century renewable energy utilization — including the use of geothermal energy — became the focus of interest. Improving the use of the different forms of geothermal energy requires the assessment of their possibilities. The potential for deep geothermal doublet systems for direct heating in Budapest was evaluated based on the temperature conditions, the depth and reconnaissance of the carbonate reservoir. NW Buda is not appropriate for thermal water exploration. SW and SE Budapest have better temperature conditions but the lithology of the reservoir is uncertain. Beneath Pest the thermal water is well exploitable. It is obvious from the map of the region that the area is promising; however, due to the hydraulic continuity of the system, reinjection is desirable. Considering the reliability of the employed data the geothermal potential map is suitable only for general orientation and guidance.
The geothermal potential map for Groundwater-sourced Heat Pump Systems (GHPS; scale = 1:40,000) was assembled by evaluating the thickness and appearance of the gravel strata and water table, complemented by the sulfate content as an aggressive component of groundwater. The original geothermal potential map series can be used for the evaluation of potential sites in Budapest. It can be concluded that the Buda side of the Danube River is almost entirely unsuitable for shallow groundwater-based heat pump installations. The only areas under consideration are Óbuda and the riverbanks. On the Pest side, there is no gravel in the central part; the largest areas close to the river and in the immediate surroundings are uncertain, with patches of suitable and possible categories. The southern and eastern area of Pest is the most prospective for GHPS installation. The potential maps only consider natural parameters; however, installation may be strongly influenced by the urbanization and the city environment.
). - Lapidarium Hungaricum, 2. Pest megye I. pp. 67--72.
drillings) . — Értekezések a Természettudományok köréből (Natural Science Essays). Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Pest, 46. (In Hungarian.).
AAPG Bulletin 90 11 1635 1640 . Szabó , J. 1858 : Pest-Buda környékének földtani leírása (Geological description of the
) andezitvulkánosság nyomai Aszod kőrnyékén (Spuren von oberpleistozönem (Riss) Andesitvulkanismus aus der Umgebung von Aszód, Kom. Pest). - Földt. Közl., 92, 3, pp. 330-333. Felsőpleisztocen (rissi) andezitvulkánosság nyomai Aszod kőrnyékén
Hungarian nation] . – Petrózai Trattner Mátyás Kiadó , Pest , 162 p. (in Hungarian) Horváth , T. , J. Dani
Szarvasmarhatartó telepen alkalmazott ivarzásindukáló hormonok megjelenése a hígtrágyában
Appearance of on-farm bovine reproductive hormones in the resulting slurry
szarvasmarhatartásban felhasznált ivarzásindukáló hormonkészítmények kimutathatósága és bomlása a hígtrágyában eddig nem vizsgált terület, ezért kutatásunkban erre helyeztük a hangsúlyt. Egy Pest megyei szarvasmarhatelepen használt 5 különböző ivarzásindukáló gyógyszer
Deterministic seismic hazard computations were performed along four different profiles across the downtown of Budapest. Synthetic seismograms were computed by the so called “hybrid technique”. By applying the hybrid technique it is possible to take into account the focal source, the path and the site effect together. Four independent computations have been performed using the same seismic source but different profiles. The parameters of the seismic source were adopted from the parameters of the well-known 1956 Dunaharaszti earthquake. The focal mechanism and the homogeneous and heterogeneous parts of the profiles are known from geophysical and geological data of the investigated area.As the results of the computations PGA (peak ground acceleration) grid maps of the downtown of Budapest for the three different components came into existence. Furthermore spectral acceleration (response spectra, SA) and RSR charts of the synthetic seismograms for the four different profiles were created. The PGA grid maps show that the maximal PGA values are situated at the eastern (Pest) part of the downtown, and their values are 50–200 cm/s 2 .For the downtown of Budapest a special seismic risk map have been prepared. This special seismic risk map were created on the basis of the difference between the maximal amplitude frequencies of SA of synthetic seismograms and the building’s eigenfrequencies at every 0.1 km 2 of the downtown. In order to determine the building’s eigenfrequencies microseismic noise measurement were performed at 6 different buildings in the downtown. The special seismic risk map shows that the buildings situated at the hilly western section of the downtown have higher seismic risk than the ones at the flat eastern part.
the latter provide reliable results without any special techniques. This is because plant protection experiments are usually aimed at determining whether the weed or pest is destroyed or not. If plant protection experiments were expected to determine
, Z ., 2022 . Combination of rhizosphere bacteria isolated from resistant potato plants for biocontrol of potato late blight . Pest Management Science . 78 . 166 – 176 . FISCHER , S. E ., FISCHER , S. I ., MAGRIS , S ., MORI , G. B ., 2007