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Non-reinforced and reinforced Poly-Ether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK) plastics have excellent mechanical and thermal properties. Machining is an efficient process that can be used to manufacture specific mechanical parts made from PEEK composites. Researchers have focused on improving the performance of machining operations with the aim of minimizing costs and improving quality of manufactured products, in order to get the best surface roughness and the minimum cutting force. The parameters evaluated are the cutting speed, the depth of cut and the feed rate. In this paper, the effect of the mentioned parameters on surface roughness and cutting force, in dry turning of reinforced PEEK with 30% of carbon fibers (PEEK CF30) using TiN coated cutting tools, is analyzed through using robust design techniques such as Taguchi's design method, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and statistical analysis tools such as Pareto-ANOVA. The obtained results have shown that Taguchi method and Pareto ANOVA are suitable for optimizing the cutting parameters with the minimum possible number of experiments, and the optimized process parameters were determined for surface roughness and cutting force criteria.
Kunszt Györgyöt tudományelméleti és kutatásmódszertani tevékenységének ismeretében felkérték arra, hogy adja elő a Tudománylogika és Kutatásmódszertan című, vizsgaköteles tárgyat a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Építészmérnöki Karának Doktori Iskolájában. R. L. Ackoff professzor, az operációkutatás fő alakja kutatási metodológiája mellett az önálló kutatásai alapján megírt „A tudományos kutatás logikai modellezése és tematikai irányítása” című doktori értekezése jelentette tárgyának egyik legfontosabb alappillérét. Az építészettörténettel foglalkozó doktoranduszokra tekintettel a Nagel-féle történeti kutatási módszertanra is kitért órái alatt. A DLA-s hallgatók részére Tanár Úr külön szemináriumot tartott Charles Jencks munkásságának ismertetésével.
Considering a stiffened panel made from an elastic homogeneous and isotropic material which suffers a single localized initial geometric imperfection, assessment of the buckling limit state under in-plane uniform axial compression in the direction of stiffeners was performed. Giving a topological configuration of the stiffened plate, focus was aimed at the combined effect resulting from geometrical dimensions and localized defect characteristics. The perfect stiffened plate taken as reference and diverse imperfect stiffened plates suffering a single localized initial geometric defect of the form of a square depression were analyzed in this work. Extensive parametric finite element simulations were performed according to full factorial design of experiment tables that were built on key intervening factors. It was found that the main parameters controlling the buckling stress for the perfect plate are the plate width, then the web height and width, then finally the interaction between plate width and web height. In case of imperfect plates, the most adverse situation was obtained with the defect placed on the intermediate segments of the stiffened plate. A reduction of the buckling stress as low as 56% was reached in this situation. The main factors influencing the buckling load for the imperfect plate differ according to the defect configuration.
this research, closed cell aluminum foam specimens have been manufactured by direct foaming considering the Taguchi design of experiments (DOE) principles. The average pore size and the porous area of the samples have been determined through image
Response Surface Methodology (RSM). RSM is a design of experiment (DOE) technique which is used for prediction or optimization. It is a statistical approach employed for analyzing and developing the effect of different independent variables (named the
of metakaolin and limestone ,” Cem. Concr. Res. , vol. 42 , no. 12 , pp. 1579 – 1589 , 2012 . [25] A. J. Moseson , D. E. Moseson , and M. W. Barsoum , “ High volume limestone alkali-activated cement developed by design of experiment
. One should notice that the proposed optimization method enables to limit to a strict minimum the number of simulations. In fact, the total number of simulations based on a primitive full factorial design of experiment table including all the eight
varying the process and design parameters within a range that enables the development of safe processes [ 14 ]. High-level with multiple variables of Design Of Experiment (DOE) matrix has been simulated using Systematic Process Improvement (SPI). SPI
conductivity of the produced foam glass. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Design of experiments In order to conduct the research work, first of all, the experiments were designed. As this study focuses on the effect of particle size and foaming agent to glass weight
. , vol. 115 , 2022 , Art no. 102426 . [39] M. Hassanzadeh and S. E. M. Torshizi , “ Multi-objective optimization of shot-peening parameters using design of experiments and finite element simulation: A statistical model ,” J. Appl. Comput. Mech