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Balogh, S. (1988): Magyarország külpolitikája, 1945–1950 [The foreign policy of Hungary, 1945–1990]. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó. Balogh S

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Hungary's intention with both NATO and the European Union was to “anchor” the country institutionally as soon as possible to the West. This institutional anchoring was important because we badly wanted the international investment community to understand that Hungary is part of the western structures, so businessmen have nothing to fear when they come to Hungary to invest or to be part of privatization.

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After June 4, 1920 the objective was nevertheless the restoration of Saint Stephen's Hungary. How can such a program be implemented? There are three things that are definitely needed. 1. A relevant political force in the country. 2. An international situation conducive to the aims and a foreign policy that can make the most of it. 3. Hungary's former national minorities should be willing to return into Saint Stephen's empire. 1. The losers of the treaty of Trianon probably supported the recovery of the lost territories. This discontent supported and at the same time stifled the revisionist movement. The leaders of the country too strengthened the illusion that Trianon was a result of the revolutions of 1918 and 1919. 2. No great powers supported the restoration of Saint Stephen's Hungary. The Germans showed the most receptive attitude, but neither the Weimar Republic, nor Hitler's Germany was willing to follow Bismarck's policy, who had considered it important to maintain a strong Hungary. Mussolini - even if he had wanted - could not have a say in this matter. 3. The Compromise of 1867 with the House of Habsburg maintained the Hungarian empire for another fifty years, but its hour struck in 1918. This is despite the fact that in the demise of Hungary the entente powers's intent, which was proved strong by history, was as important as the desire of the national minorities to secede. These questions are fully analysed in the study, which then states: in theory it would have been possible to follow a way different from the actual event, but in fact the tragedy of Hungary in the Second World War had to happen as inevitably as it actually did.

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Elite theory up to now has been largely neglected within foreign policy analysis. This paper attempts to apply the concepts of elite theory on European foreign policy-making. Its focus is on elite consensus and competition, not least because such cleavages are particularly evident in this arena, where Member States’ decision-makers compete with each other and with the various Brussels institutions, while at the same time speaking the language of cohesion and solidarity. Forms of significant scrutiny for common European diplomacy are less visible. There is a political and informational gap between the national parliamentary processes and the increasingly complex processes of foreign policy coordination. Thus when a crisis arises, national politics and institutions move into the vacant space.

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Hungarian foreign policy from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in November 1918 to the Peace Treaty of Trianon of June 1920 concentrated on maintaining Hungary's integrity and finding ways to break out of the international isolation in which the newly independent state found itself. Such were the aims of the regimes that followed each other in succession, and which are identified with the names of Mihály Károlyi, Béla Kun, and Miklós Horthy.

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Tanulmányok 2011 5 70 77 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary (2011): Hungary’s Foreign Policy after the

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János Kádár came into power in 1956 and remained in office until 1988. He has left his stamp on all aspects of Hungarian life. This paper will show that Kádár, despite the circumstances of his coming into power, lack of domestic support, and being an international outcast, he emerged as an effective political leader and an internationally respected statesman.

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1 Introduction Turkish foreign policy has changed substantially in the last two decades. ** The security-related isolationist understanding of Turkish foreign policy was

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The paper intends to determine Garašanin’s position between Vernacular Serbian and Old Church Slavonic vocabulary and his contribution to the standardization of Serbian literary language.

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Ausztrália külkapcsolati rendszerének kialakítása során figyelembe kell vegye földrajzi elhelyezkedését és angolszász eredetét is. A kiotói jegyzőkönyv esetében azonban egy olyan globális probléma kezelési kísérletével állunk szemben, amely a hagyományos ausztráliai külpolitikai gondolkodást új utakra kényszeríti. A külgazdasági kapcsolatok, a nemzetközi politikai szereplőkkel kialakított eddigi viszony Ausztráliát a jegyzőkönyvet aláíró, de nem ratifikáló országok táborába terelte. A 2007. novemberi választásokat követően a jobboldali k_o

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