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). 2 Materials and methods The experiment was conducted during two growing seasons (2020 and 2021) at the experimental field and laboratories of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Crop Production

Open access

hybrids in 2019 growing season. In the studied experimental area, there was a positive temperature difference between April and September in the average of the summer periods of the last 5 years compared to the 30-year average ( Gombos and Nagy, 2019

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
O. Csernus
J. Beczner
F. Sebők
M. Tóth
, and
Cs. Dobolyi

The surface microbial contamination is of great interest in case of fruit because of the threat of postharvest spoilage. Apple is a valuable product from growing, commercial, as well as from nutritional points of view. Apple diseases during the growing season can be satisfactorily controlled by different plant protection technologies, but postharvest decay of apples caused by the so called storage moulds cannot be completely avoided. Cold storage — alone, or in combination with other methods — is the main technology used to successfully prolong the shelf life of apples. The origin of the moulds causing the decay of apples during storage is not well understood. In this work the surface mycobiota of apple fruit grown in Soroksár, in the orchard of the Corvinus University of Budapest was investigated.

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A two-year open field experiment was carried out to study the effect of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogensupply on fruit components of tomato. Korall determinate growth type processing tomato cultivar plants were planted and cultivated for the entire growing season in open top chambers (OTC) in years 2007 and 2008. Compared with the control (350 ppm) CO2 enrichment (700 ppm) significantly decreased the lycopene content at all three harvest dates in both years, but higher supply of nitrogen and 700 ppm CO2 resulted in significantly higher lycopene values in second year. Elevated nitrogen concentration combined with 700 ppm CO2 significantly increased the Brix, sugar content, total phenolics, and total antioxidant status (TAS) of tomato fruits.

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The paper presents some preliminary results of an on-going research aiming to assess expected impacts of climate change on road infrastructure planning, design and operation, as well as determining what measures could be considered and recommended to manage these potential impacts. Following an overview of the main parameters (temperatures and precipitation) characterizing expected climate change in the period of 2071–2100, the impacts on roads of high temperatures, freeze-thaw cycles, prolonged growing season, high intensity precipitation, wet conditions and flooding are studied. According to the author, the anticipated effects of climate change should be manageable with current, or slightly modified engineering practice and the materials available, possibly with adaptation. Recommendations are formulated concerning the adaptation process.

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Gluten proteins composed of gliadins and glutenins are important contributors to the wheat quality properties. Twenty-eight winter wheat cultivars differing in bread processing quality were collected at the experimental fields of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia, in growing season 2006/2007.The HMW-GS composition and gliadin contents were determined by SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC, respectively, with the aim to determine their relationship with wheat quality properties. Based on gliadins and HMW-GS data for 28 wheat cultivars PLS models were developed for the prediction of 15 baking quality parameters.NIPALS algorithm was applied for the evaluation of the latent variables and regression coefficient parameters. The obtained 4-th order models have average coefficients of determination R2=0.80.Determined variable importance in projections (VIP) coefficients revealed that HMW-GS data have the dominant influence on the baking quality parameters. For extensographic and farinographic properties the Glu-D1 locus has the main VIP coefficient while Glu-B1 locus is the most important for the indirect quality parameters. The derived PLS models and VIP coefficients could be used in molecular based wheat selection and breeding program.

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Isoflavones are phenolic compounds present in soybean and other legumes, which have attracted considerable attention because of various health effects associated with their bioactive properties. From twelve isoflavones known in soybean, nine are present in a glycoside form, whereas health effects are mainly attributed to the aglycones daidzein, genistein and glycitein. While most analytical methods focus either on total isoflavone content before hydrolysis or on isoflavone aglycones after hydrolysis, a two-step analytical procedure using HPLC separation and UV detection has been applied to detect both the isoflavone glycosides naturally present in soybean as well as their aglycones after acid hydrolysis. Five soybean genotypes of early maturity groups have been grown in the east of Austria in two climatically contrasting seasons, and seed samples were analysed for isoflavones. Total isoflavone concentrations of the soybean samples determined before and after hydrolysis ranged from 258–1137 μg/g and from 140–748 μg/g, respectively. For most isoflavones analysed, differences were statistically significant both for genotypes and growing seasons. The results suggest that the analytical procedure applied is useful both for selection of high isoflavone soybean genotypes as well as in quality control, particularly in view of isoflavone bioavailability.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Miklós Neményi
Attila J. Kovács
Judit Oláh
József Popp
Edina Erdei
Endre Harsányi
Bálint Ambrus
Gergely Teschner
, and
Anikó Nyéki


If we want to increase the efficiency of precision technologies to create sustainable agriculture, we need to put developments and their application on a new footing; moreover, a general paradigm shift is needed. There is a need to rethink close-at-hand and far-off innovation concepts to further develop precision agriculture, from both an agricultural, landscape, and natural ecosystem sustainability perspective. With this, unnecessary or misdirected developments and innovation chains can be largely avoided. The efficiency of the agrotechnology and the accuracy of yield prediction can be ensured by continuously re-planning during the growing season according to changing conditions (e.g., meteorological) and growing dataset. The aim of the paper is to develop a comprehensive, thought-provoking picture of the potential application of new technologies that can be used in agriculture, primarily in precision technology-based arable field crop production, which emphasizes the importance of continuous analysis and optimisation between the production unit and its environment. It should also be noted that the new system contributes to reconciling agricultural productivity and environmental integrity. The study also presents research results that in many respects bring fundamental changes in technical and technological development in field production. The authors believe that treating the subsystems of agriculture, landscape, and natural ecosystem (ALNE) as an integrated unit will create a new academic interdisciplinarity. ICT, emphasizing WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), remote sensing, cloud computing, AI (Artificial Intelligence), economics, sociology, ethics, and the cooperation with young students in education can play a significant role in research. This study treats these disciplines according to sustainability criteria. The goal is to help management fulfil the most important expectation of reducing the vulnerability of the natural ecosystem. The authors believe that this article may be one of the starting points for a new interdisciplinarity, ALNE.

Open access

Az erdőállományok talajvíz utánpótlódásra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata kecskemét-ménteleki mintaterületen

Investigation of the impact of forest stands on groundwater recharge in the Kecskemét-Méntelek study area

Agrokémia és Talajtan
András Szabó
Zoltán Gribovszki
Péter Kalicz
Ján Szolgay
Zsolt Gácsi
, and
Bence Bolla

Az Alföldet, azon belül is különösen a Homokhátságot érintő talajvízszint süllyedés, súlyos ökológiai és gazdasági következményekkel is járó problémakör. A jelenség hátterében álló lehetséges okokkal kapcsolatban több évtizede zajlik kutatómunka, ugyanakkor ezek relatív súlyának meghatározása a mai napig tudományos vita tárgyát képezi.

Több szerző is kiemeli az erdőtelepítések talajvízszint csökkentő hatásának fontosságát. Ez a hatás két módon, a vegetáció vízfelvétele, illetve a csapadékból történő utánpótlódás csökkentése (intercepció, talajnedvesség felvétel) által jelentkezhet. Ezen mechanizmusok működését vizsgáltuk meg egy akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) és egy fekete fenyő (Pinus nigra) állomány esetében a Homokhátságon, Kecskemét-Ménteleken kialakított mintaterületünkön, 90, 150 és 200 cm-es mélységben, nagy időbeli felbontással mért talajnedvesség, illetve talajvíz adatokra alapozva.

Az adatok alapján feltételezhető, hogy a talajvízből nem történik közvetlen, vagy közvetett vízfelvétel, aminek oka vélhetően a gyökérzóna és a talajvíz közti igen jelentős horizontális távolság. A talajnedvesség esetében a sekélyebb rétegekben egyértelműen jelentkezik az erdőállományok szezonális szárító hatása. Ugyanakkor a mélyebb rétegek talajnedvesség adatai alapján kijelenthető, hogy a csapadékból történő talajvíz visszatöltődésre leginkább az akác állomány alatt van elméleti lehetőség. A látszólagos ellentmondás feltételezhetően a gyökérzet által kialakított makropórusok hatásával magyarázható. Ezt támasztja alá az akác és fekete fenyő állományok közti igen jelentős eltérés is.

Következtetésünk, hogy az erdőállományok lokálisan jelentősen eltérő hatást gyakorolhatnak a talajvízszintre. Ezért a lezajló folyamatok hátterét, általános jellegű megállapítások helyett, az adott hidrológiai rendszer több elemét vizsgáló monitoring adataira alapozva lehetséges csak felderíteni.

Open access

Howard , L.R., Clark , J.R. & Brownmiller , C. (2003): Antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in blueberries as affected by genotype and growing season. J. Sci. Food Agric. , 83 , 1238–1247. Brownmiller C

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