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Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc.) Shoemaker (Teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kuribayashi) Drechs. Ex. Dastur) is a serious necrotrophic pathogen of wheat and barley in several countries. In this paper we report on mechanism of resistance and histopathological changes that occur on pathogen attack in resistant and susceptible genotypes. Callose deposition was observed in the epidermal cell wall of resistant genotype, Pusa T3336 at 2DAI. Lignin deposition around mesophyll tissues was also strongly observed by Phloroglucinol-HCl test in Pusa T3336. Four days after inoculation (4DAI), the pathogen colonized the leaf tissues showing inter and intracellular hyphae in susceptible genotype, Agralocal. In resistant genotype, no colonization was observed. The host tissue in susceptible genotype showed degeneration away from the site of colonization and also showed loss of structural integrity thereby indicating the role of toxin in pathogenesis. Separation of plasmalemma from the cell wall was observed due to loss of electrolytes and degradation of chloroplast at 5 DAI in the susceptible genotypes was prominently seen through light microscopy.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Katarzyna Paździor-Czapula
Joanna Fiedorowicz
, and
Iwona Otrocka-Domagała

for histopathology were immediately fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely, cut and stained with Mayer's haematoxylin and eosin (HE), Mallory trichrome (Bio-Optica, Milan, Italy), Perl's Prussian blue. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining

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website. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with the MEGA v6.0 program. For this purpose, the neighbor joining method was used. Bootstrap values were calculated using 1,000 iterations ( Tamura et al., 2013 ). Histopathology and immunohistochemistry

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routine prognostic evaluation approach for pathology laboratories in developing contexts, especially the ones that routinely perform histopathology and can conduct routine immunohistochemistry (IHC) for CCMCTs. Through working on 54 CCMCT cases, the

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Twenty pullets and adult chickens, aged 100 to 403 days, from several commercial chicken farms were examined by gross and histopathology. Grossly, all chickens had white-greyish masses in the visceral organs with or without enlargement of the peripheral nerves. Histopathological examination revealed Marek’s disease (MD) lymphoma, lymphoid leukosis (LL) and myeloid leukosis (ML) in 14/20, 5/20 and 1/20 of the chickens, respectively. Lesions of the sciatic nerves in chickens diagnosed as having MD lymphoma were various. No neoplastic and/or inflammatory cells were noted in the peripheral nerves of chickens diagnosed as having LL and ML. These results indicated that MD lymphoma could also develop in older chickens; thus, microscopic examination is needed to identify MD in older chickens showing lymphocyte-derived tumours.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Elena Palade
Nóra Biró
Mihály Dobos-Kovács
Zoltán Demeter
Míra Mándoki
, and
Miklós Rusvai

From a total of 1819 great tits ( Parus major ) ringed in 2007 in Pilis Mountains, Hungary, 15 birds presented nodular proliferative lesions on different areas of the head and eyelids, suggesting a poxvirus infection. Three birds were submitted for analysis. The presence of avipoxvirus infection was confirmed by histopathology, electron microscopy (EM) and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based technique. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 428 base pairs (bp) fragment of the viral 4b core protein gene revealed 100% identity between two of the Hungarian isolates (PM9 HUN, PM33 HUN) and two great tit poxvirus strains isolated in Norway in 1973 (GTV A256, GTV A311). The third Hungarian isolate (PM34 HUN) was more closely related to a different Norwegian isolate (GTVA310) than to the Hungarian isolates. The nucleotide sequence analysis of a shorter fragment of the viral 4b core protein (227 bp) gene revealed 100% identity between the Hungarian isolates, the same Norwegian isolates and a great tit poxvirus strain detected in Austria in 2007.

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One of the most serious problems in the chinchilla industry is 'fur-chewing', when the chinchilla bites off areas of its own or some other animal's fur. The condition generally develops in both genders at the age of 6-8 months. In chinchilla farms in Croatia an incidence of 15-20% has been observed. A pathomorphological, microbiological and parasitological investigation was conducted on eleven 6- to 11-month-old chinchillas of both sexes with clinical symptoms of 'fur-chewing' and three chinchillas without such signs. Histopathology of the adrenal glands and of the chewed skin revealed changes typical of Cushing's syndrome in 'fur-chewed' chinchillas, such as hyperkeratinisation of the epidermis, epidermal atrophy, pronounced follicular and sebaceous gland atrophy, hyperkeratinisation of the follicles with comedo formations and the presence of calcium salts in subcutis.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Bernadett Fakan
Eszter Baranyi
Réka Horváth
Endre Kálmán
Janina Kulka
Katalin Tölgyesi
Miklós Török
Nóra Udvarhelyi
Tamás Zombori
, and
Gábor Cserni


Bevezetés: Szervmegtartó műtéttel eltávolított emlőrákoknál fontos a sebészi szélek állapotának vizsgálata, dokumentálása. Ha az eltávolítás nem az épben történik, általában kiegészítő kezelés (ismételt sebészet, tumorágy-besugárzás) javasolt. Célkitűzés: Szervmegtartó műtéttel eltávolított női emlőrákok patológiai leleteinek sebészi szélekre vonatkozó információtartalmának elemzése, a nem ép szélek gyakoriságának felmérése és nem ép szélek esetén a további kezelések gyakoriságának becslése. Módszer: Nyolc magyar patológiai részlegből származó, mellrák miatt végzett szervmegtartó műtéthez tartozó patológiai leletek elemzése, nem ép szél esetén további lokális kezelésre vonatkozó adatok gyűjtésével. Eredmények: Kizárások után 386 leletet elemeztünk. Az ép szél korábbi definíciója (<5 mm) alapján 200, az újabb értelmezés (0 mm) alapján 32 lelet dokumentált nem ép széleket. Lobularis carcinoma esetén gyakoribb volt a szélek pozitivitása, mint nem lobularis rákok esetén. Az épben eltávolított tumorok műtéti anyaga nagyobb tömegű volt. Reoperáció 43/180, illetve 12/22 esetben történt a régi és az új definíció szerinti nem ép szélek esetén. A nem reoperált betegek közül csak 75/137 kapott biztosan külön tumorágy-besugárzást; sok esetben a ’boost’ kezelésről nem állt rendelkezésre információ. Reziduális tumor a reoperált betegek közül csak 15/43-nál igazolódott, 9-nél közülük úgy, hogy a festett szélben a primer műtéti anyagban nem írtak le daganatot. Következtetések: A patológiai leletek sebészi szélre vonatkozó információtartalma nem teljes körű. Az új biztonságos szél definíciója csökkentette a nem ép szél előfordulási gyakoriságát, de alkalmazásakor ép szélek mellett is maradhat reziduális daganat az emlőben, amint azt a reoperációs minták igazolják. Nem épben történő tumoreltávolításkor az esetek egy részében nem történik sem további sebészi kezelés, sem külön tumorágy-besugárzás. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(26): 1036–1044.

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Otosclerosis. 2. rész. Diagnózis

Otosclerosis. 2nd part. Diagnosis

Orvosi Hetilap
Balázs Liktor
Andor Hirschberg
Bálint ifj Liktor
, and
Tamás Karosi

Karosi T, Csomor P, Petkó M, et al. Histopathology of nonotosclerotic stapes fixations. Otol Neurotol. 2009; 30: 1058–1066.

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Background: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) can have high inadequate results. The main objective of this study was to validate the sensitivity of imprint cytology and compare it to that of FNAC across all levels of staff experience. Our other objective was to find out whether handling of a core biopsy to obtain an imprint slide affected its morphology so as to make histopathological reporting from that tissue difficult. This we thought could be of significance while trying to diagnose smaller cancers where just one core could contain tumour. Methods: Patients (n = 56) with a suspicious breast lump had fine needle aspiration (FNA) and core biopsy. The core biopsy used to prepare the two imprint cytology slides was sent separately for histopathology reporting. Results: Simultaneous imprint cytology from a core biopsy increased the sensitivity of cytology results by 12% compared to that of FNAC alone. In this series we found imprint cytology to have a sensitivity of 84%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 82.7%. The histopathologists did not report any distortion in tissue morphology so as to affect histological reporting of the core used. Conclusion: Since most patients will have a core biopsy to confirm invasive cancer and the technique of imprint cytology is easily performed, perhaps it should be more widely used especially in units where the sensitivity of FNA is low.

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