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A linear operator on a Hilbert space , in the classical approach of von Neumann, must be symmetric to guarantee self-adjointness. However, it can be shown that the symmetry could be omitted by using a criterion for the graph of the operator and the adjoint of the graph. Namely, S is shown to be densely defined and closed if and only if k + l : k , l G S G S * = .

In a more general setup, we can consider relations instead of operators and we prove that in this situation a similar result holds. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for a linear relation to be densely defined and self-adjoint.

Open access

Many combinatorial optimization problems can be expressed in terms of zero-one linear programs. For the maximum clique problem the so-called edge reformulation is applied most commonly. Two less frequently used LP equivalents are the independent set and edge covering set reformulations. The number of the constraints (as a function of the number of vertices of the ground graph) is asymptotically quadratic in the edge and the edge covering set LP reformulations and it is exponential in the independent set reformulation, respectively. F. D. Croce and R. Tadei proposed an approach in which the number of the constraints is equal to the number of the vertices. In this paper we are looking for possible tighter variants of these linear programs.

Open access

In many clique search algorithms well coloring of the nodes is employed to find an upper bound of the clique number of the given graph. In an earlier work a non-traditional edge coloring scheme was proposed to get upper bounds that are typically better than the one provided by the well coloring of the nodes. In this paper we will show that the same scheme for well coloring of the edges can be used to find lower bounds for the clique number of the given graph. In order to assess the performance of the procedure we carried out numerical experiments.

Open access

We prove certain Menon-type identities associated with the subsets of the set {1, 2,..., n} and related to the functions f, fk , Ф and Ф k , defined and investigated by Nathanson.

Open access

We consider a graph whose vertices are legally colored using k colors and ask if the graph contains a k-clique. As it turns out this very special type of k-clique problem is in an intimate connection with constructing schedules. The practicality this clique search based construction of schedules is checked by carrying out numerical experiments.

Open access

The main aim of this paper is to prove that the nonnegativity of the Riesz’s logarithmic kernels with respect to the Walsh– Kaczmarz system fails to hold.

Open access


It is shown that no polyhedron without diagonals exists with five vertices.

Restricted access

Consider a finite abelian group G which is a direct product of its subsets A and B both containing the identity element e. If the non-periodicity of A and B forces that neither A nor B can span the whole G, then G must be an elementary 2-group of rank six.

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An affirmative answer is given to a problem on factoring finite abelian groups by subsets in a particular case.

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