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The lifelong learning opportunities in open air museums are many and do often take a form and have a learning outcome for a target group which surprises people outside the sector. This article shows examples of how to use the open air museum as a learning resource for people in all ages and with well tested practices based on use of an open air museum as the three dimensional and full scale by authenticity shaped learning environment.

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collaborative, interactive patterns of teachers and students affect learning outcome. Yang, Li, Guo, and Li (2014) , for instance, used SNA to investigate how EFL learners from a Chinese university studied translation skills in a public English course. They

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. ( 2010 ). Foreign language anxiety and student interpreters’ learning outcomes: Implications for the theory and measurement of interpretation learning anxiety . Meta , 55 ( 3 ), 589 – 601 . 10.7202/045079ar Creswell , J. W. , & Plano Clark , V. L

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encouraging, especially for translator trainers who need to explore new ways to maximize students’ learning outcomes. One potential application of comparative judgement in translator training is, thus, to merge it thoughtfully with formative self- and/or peer

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