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approaches with learning outcomes, which has been tested since then. Kember and Kwan (2000) intended to show the possible links between university teachers' conceptions of good teaching, motivation strategies and their teaching approaches. Giving an example
. As a result, the quality of the learning process, including general student well-being, learning experience, school experience, and the learning environment have become just as important as learning outcomes ( OECD, 2019 ). Since teachers are the key
. Examples of activities that can facilitate engagement in- and out-of-class include: Explicitly describing the learning outcome that is the focus of the learning, whether orally at the beginning of class, or in writing on any out-of-class documents, e
effectiveness is defined in the broad sense, comprising not only team performance but also team viability and team learning outcomes. Team viability concerns team members’ satisfaction with the team: it covers the willingness to work with this team again in the
curriculum or prescribed learning outcomes, so outcomes are limited in predictability. Embedded in a context, it builds holistically on the use of tools and mental activities and does not separate knowledge from skills. As a result, implicit and tacit
painful, and people may wish they never had to learn that lesson. But the triggering situation will later on be clearly remembered. Mosaicstone learning outcomes, woven into life-routines resulting
. C. , Duque , J. C. , & Suriñach , J. ( 2012 ). Learning outcomes and dropout intentions: Analytical model for Spanish universities . Educational Studies, 39 ( 3 ), 261 – 284 . doi: 10
their own credentials; did that have any positive or negative influence on your choice? In what way? What about the promises (learning outcomes) that are given in the
the relationship between learner autonomy and motivation for learners' better learning outcomes can be predicted by promoting the two together. Autonomous learning behaviors Associating with what has
behavior . Psychological Review , 94 ( 1 ), 3 . Van den Boom , G. , Paas , F. , & Van Merrienboer , J. J. ( 2007 ). Effects of elicited reflections combined with tutor or peer feedback on self-regulated learning and learning outcomes . Learning