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2000 50 107 121 European Commission: Memorandum on lifelong learning. 2000. European Commission: Making a
A gondozás hatása a családi gondozók érzelmi jóllétére és egészségére.
Állapotfelmérés a COPE Index alapján
The impact of caregiving on the emotional well-being and health of family caregivers.
A condition assessment based on the COPE Index
older people. In: Fodorné TK. (ed.) Social and economic benefits of university lifelong learning: research – development – innovation. [Az e-learning képzés szerepe a formális és informális
A valproátterápia túlélésre gyakorolt hatása gliomás betegekben
Alternatív terápiás lehetőség a radiokemoterápia eredményességének javítására
Supplementary valproate therapy for glioma patients
An alternative opportunity to enhance the efficiency of radio-chemotherapy
, Reardon DA. High-grade gliomas. Continuum lifelong learning. Neurooncology 2017; 23: 1548–1563. 19 Schiff D. Low-grade gliomas. Continuum lifelong learning
– 1261 Fischer , G. ( 2000 ). Lifelong learning—more than training . Journal of Interactive Learning Research , 11 , 265 – 294
-reaching implications of this line research may become more evident, if we take into consideration that improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, as well as making lifelong learning fact, are among the main objectives of strategic frameworks of
proposed model characterised by salutogenic learning may offer and support health promotion, problem solving, lifelong learning, guidance, self-knowledge, self-assessment, and self-expression – improving all skills that enhance meaningful experiences such