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Cultural Context The mi’raj manuscript An illustrated manuscript depicting, in a series of miniatures, the successive stages of the mi’raj , the miraculous ascent of the Prophet Mohammed through the seven
Az Akadémiai Kiadó régi törekvése vált valóra az online kézirat-benyújtási program beindulásával. A szerkesztőségi munkát olyan modern, online rendszerrel szeretnénk segíteni, amely a szerkesztőség munkáját különösen a lektoráltatási (peer-rewiev) szakaszban támogatja. A piaci kínálatból azt a szolgáltatót igyekeztünk kiválasztani, amelyik a legkönnyebben használható megoldást ajánlja, s a legtöbb segítséget nyújtja a felhasználóknak a rendszer használata közben. Ezen rövid írás célja a rendszer bemutatása, a lehetőségek felvillantása.
participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content, including participation in the concept, writing, or revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: PB, PKN, MM. Analysis and/or interpretation of literature: PB, PKN, MM
the concept, writing, or revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: MM, TK, TK, ABD. Interpretation of literature: MM. Drafting the manuscript: MM, TK, TK, ABD. Revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content: TK, TK, ABD
content, including participation in the concept, writing or revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: KB, HB, IBK, DMF, EB, LO. Interpretation of literature: KB. Drafting the manuscript: KB, HB, IBK, DMF. Revising the manuscript critically for
take public responsibility for the content, including participation in the development of concept, writing, or revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: MM, KK. Analysis and/or interpretation of literature: MM, KK. Drafting the manuscript: MM
enhancement is restricted [ 3 ], as shown in the present case. Authors' notes Dr Samia Ben Sassi & Dr Samir Belal contributed to the critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. Dr Saied Zakaria and Dr Cyrine Jeridi contributed to
' contributions All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Definition of intellectual content, literature research, data collection and analysis were performed by Elena Belloni, Federica Lucev and Davide Stoppa. The first draft of the manuscript
development of concept, writing, or revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: Cs.Cs-N., M. Gy., L.K. Analysis and/or interpretation of literature: M. Gy., M. G. N. Drafting the manuscript: M. G. N., M. Gy. Revising the manuscript critically for