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18 440 449 ISO (1991): Sensory analysis — Methodology — Method of investigating sensitivity of taste. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva

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The outcome of various solvent extraction (water, methanol, acidic 50% methanol, 70% acetone, acidic 50% methanol followed by 70% acetone) on the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant capacity of fruit pulp, seeds, leaves and stem bark of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) was investigated. The seabuckthorn extracts possess high phenolic content, 1666–13769 mg GAE/100 g d.w. The mean TPC was found highest in seeds (11148) followed by stem bark (10469), leaves (6330) and pulp (3579 mg GAE/100 g d.w.). In general, the 70% acetone and acidic 50% methanol followed by 70% acetone extracts was found to contain significantly higher TPC than those obtained in other extracting solvents. Antioxidant capacity in terms of IC50 value of pulp (3.39 mg ml−1) was up to 7.8 times higher than those reported for stem bark (0.43 mg ml−1) and up to 2.4 times higher than those found in seeds (1.4 mg ml−1). Further, antioxidant capacity by FRAP assay showed that the stem bark possess maximum antioxidant capacity (16.83) followed by seeds (15.26), leaves (12.73) and pulp (12.61), all as mM FeSO4. Significant correlation was found between TPC and antioxidant capacity by DPPH and FRAP assays.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Aidin Pahlavan
Mohammad Hassan Kamani
Amir Hossein Elhamirad
Zahra Sheikholeslami
Mohammad Armin
, and
Hanieh Amani

. Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization , Karaj, Iran . Vol. 1. pp. 66, 74–75 . Bailey , C.H. ( 1925 ). The chemistry of wheat flour . Chemical Catalog Company . Borla , O.P. , Motta , E.L. , Saiz , A.I. , and Fritz , R. ( 2004

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This paper reports on a preliminary and exploratory study on mother's attitudes and behaviour towards infant feeding in Poland. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of demographic and socio-economic factors on mother's choice of breastfeeding and attitude towards baby ready food. Primary cross-sectional data were gathered through a sample survey research. The choice for breastfeeding is found to be associated with lower income, whereas no significant effects of mother age and education are observed. With respect to attitude towards baby ready foods, younger mothers were found to attach significantly more importance to advertising and information on the product label. They also rely more on specialised information from paediatricians with respect to infant feeding. Generally, the findings point towards a greater need for information related to infant feeding among younger and economically less-favoured mothers.

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Acta Alimentaria
V. László
D. Szakos
V. Csizmadiáné Czuppon
, and
Gy. Kasza

measure it. Benson et al. (2020) created a toolkit to measure general food related trust in levels from general to specific items based on previous researches. They distinguish between five levels; interpersonal trust, general organisation trust

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borszőlőfajták 1 1967 OIV (2009) Descriptor list for grapevine varieties and vitis species. Intergovermental organisation created by

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Food safety in focus

The last ten years — The first decade of the 21 st century in the life of the Central Food Research Institute

Acta Alimentaria
D. Bánáti

The review provides selected examples on the activities and main results of the research and development work after the re-organization of the Central Food Research Institute (Budapest) at the turn of the 21 st century.

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Alternaria species produce several mycotoxins that are of particular health concern. The natural occurrence of three Alternaria toxins; alternariol (AOH), alternariol methyl ether (AME), and tenuazonic acid (TA) in pomegranate fruit was considered. A. alternata and A. tenuissima were identified by analysis of partial sequence of ITS-region. All studied strains produced high quantities of AOH in vitro on rice. A. tenuissima produces high quantities of AME and TA compared with A. alternata. In rotten tissues AME was the highest determined toxin with frequency percentage of 95.6%, followed by AOH and TA. All toxins were detected in the healthy tissues surrounding the infected tissues but at low levels. No visible changes were noted in Alternaria toxins after pasteurization of pomegranate juice, but they appeared after clarification. In conclusion, pasteurization and/or clarification are not sufficient to reduce Alternaria toxins in juice. The removal of the rotten parts does not ensure excluding Alternaria toxins.

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After the transformation process and privatisation a rather specific dual structure has been formed in the Hungarian food industry: large food industrial enterprises, dominantly in foreign ownership, fulfilling locally the global strategy of the international firm, and micro - and small - scale firms in domestic ownership. The strategic behaviour of Hungarian food industrial firms have been examined by direct-question surveys and interviews. Based on enterprise- and business-level strategy theories, the objective was to create a taxonomy of strategic patterns of Hungarian food industrial firms. On basis of investigations four characteristic groups of small and medium scale enterprises could be separated from each other. The high cost of technology development, the uneven quality and quantity of agricultural raw material, the concentration of food trade organisations are important hindrance factors of development of food industrial enterprises. The small and medium scale enterprises consider the activity of chambers of producers as an important tool in improving their economic position. In opinion of food industrial entrepreneurs the most important factor of success in privatisation was the knowledge of legal loops and good social network. Under these conditions, the promotion of preparation of newly formed small and medium scale enterprises to meet the demands of EU joining is a necessary precondition of success. The multinational food industrial enterprises forming four groups follow diversified strategies. This variability of multinational firms increases the flexibility and competitiveness of the Hungarian food industry.

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The research aims to examine the health conscious consumer behaviour on the market of functional foods. In the survey two focus groups with 8 participants from two Hungarian cities were involved. People, whose health behaviour has changed positively in the past few years, were chosen to take part in the focus groups. The respondents connected the concept of health consciousness to the conscious way of life, nutrition and active physical exercises as well. Most of them are interested in the possibilities of healthy nutrition, they consider themselves capable of controlling their state of health, but only few of them take particular steps. The difference is caused by the lack of time and financial background, but the low level of motivations also plays a significant role. The consumers accept the presence of functional foods, which is interpreted as a long run innovation trend. They have limited information about functional ingredients; they do not know nutritional benefits and most of them are mistrustful of this product category. The organisations that are mainly responsible for information are not authentic for the consumers, but the authentic ones do not reach their stimulus threshold. Beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms do not exert enough influence on the consumers and perceived behavioural control does not reach that critical level at which these factors can motivate them to take particular steps.

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