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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Aidin Pahlavan
Mohammad Hassan Kamani
Amir Hossein Elhamirad
Zahra Sheikholeslami
Mohammad Armin
, and
Hanieh Amani

. Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization , Karaj, Iran . Vol. 1. pp. 66, 74–75 . Bailey , C.H. ( 1925 ). The chemistry of wheat flour . Chemical Catalog Company . Borla , O.P. , Motta , E.L. , Saiz , A.I. , and Fritz , R. ( 2004

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borszőlőfajták 1 1967 OIV (2009) Descriptor list for grapevine varieties and vitis species. Intergovermental organisation created by

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). Table and dried grapes. FAO-OIV Focus 2016. Non-alcoholic products of the vitivinicultural sector intended for human consumption . Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Organisation of Vine and

Open access

identified: concerns about the profitability of firms and uncertainties in tendering systems may hinder firms in adopting Industry 4.0 technologies. As is the case with any change, organisational resistance to adopting new technologies can be the most

Open access

153 163 Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products

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Society , Agric. Eng. 21-22 October, 153 – 175 . FAO ( 2011 ) Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics , FAOSTAT. Gupta , R

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
E. Somogyi
Á. Kun
J. Lázár
P. Bodor-Pesti
, and
D. Á. Nyitrainé Sárdy

investigated phenomenon in grapevine and causes divers berry sizes within bunches. Today both ampelographic literatures ( Barbagallo et al., 2011 ) and official descriptors, as the descriptor list of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) detail

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solids and dry matter content 2003 FAO (2008) United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO Stat (11/05/2008) http

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Organization of the United Nations . Fageria , N. K. , Baligar , V. C. ( 2005 ) Enhancing nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants . Advances in Agron . 88 : 97 – 185

Open access

indicates the awareness of soil science as a natural resource on which our life depends ( VAN BAREN et al., 2000 ; HARTEMINK, 2015a ). With 200 years of study in soil science as a discipline with the help of IUSS and other international organisations, the

Open access