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indicates the awareness of soil science as a natural resource on which our life depends ( VAN BAREN et al., 2000 ; HARTEMINK, 2015a ). With 200 years of study in soil science as a discipline with the help of IUSS and other international organisations, the

Open access

. Construction and Building Materials . 24 . ( 2 ) 171 – 180 . ISO , 2014 . ISO 22262–2:2014 Air quality–Bulk materials–Part 2: Quantitative determination of asbestos by gravimetric and microscopical methods . International Organisation for Standardisation

Open access

A talajspektrális könyvtárak nemzetközi jelentősége és hazai megalapozása

The international importance and national establishment of soil spectral libraries

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Ádám Csorba
Tamás Szegi
Gábor Várszegi
Gábor Nagy
, and
Erika Michéli

Capacities . Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Rome BEN-DOR , E ., PIMSTEIN , A ., NOTESCO , G ., 2010 . Variation and stability of soil reflectance measurements with different ASD spectrometers under different conditions . In

Open access

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Rome .

Open access

Rearrangement of land resources following the political changes in Hungary has not ended yet. It is almost impossible to collect information necessary for planning activities on outer areas of settlements. The data are either distributed among various organizations where they can be found in diverse forms, or are not available at all.  Water quality protection, however, has become legally ordered concerning municipal activities around the Lake Balaton. This region is considered as the most important recreation area and tourist target in Hungary and is also affected by a number of factors providing sources to environmental conflicts. Settlements of a watershed (Tetves Creek) on the southern shoreline of Lake Balaton (Central Hungary) tendered a complex task for collecting the sources of the authentic data of the Hungarian rural areas along with systematizing and saving these data in a uniform GIS. An application using Autodesk MapGuide has been developed for Internet realization. The implemented web based GI system can be used in Internet and Intranet environment.

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Agrokémia és Talajtan
Kitti Balog
Zoltán Gribovszki
András Szabó
Esteban Jobbágy
Marcelo Nosetto
László Kuti
László Pásztor
, and
Tibor Tóth

Saline Lands 2000 Lucot, E. & Bruckert, S. 1992. Common oak (Quercus robur) root system organisation

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. ( 1989 ): Gyors bioteszt a talaj tápelem-szolgáltató képességének meghatározására . Agrokémia és Talajtan , 38 : 121 – 142 . (OECD) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( 2003 ): OECD Guideline

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Base for Soil Resources. World Soil Resources 1998. Report No. 84. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO. Rome. Report No. 84. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

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Az algériai nyersfoszfát és a szuperfoszfát hatásának vizsgálata

V. A talajtulajdonságok és a foszfortrágyák  hatása a tavaszi árpa (Hordeum vulgare) Cd-, Cr-, Co-, Ni-, Sr-, Mn-, Al- és Mo-koncentrációjára tenyészedény-kísérletben

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Erzsébet Osztoics
Péter Csathó
, and
László Radimszky

87 95 SILLANPÁÁ, M., 1982. Micronutrients and the Nutrient Status of Soils: A Global Study. FAO Soil Bulletin. No. 48. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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