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.1.542 Del-Rió , A. – Young , G. ( 2005 ): The Determinants of Unsecured Borrowing: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey . Bank of England
The kindergarten attendance allowance in Hungary
Evaluation of a conditional cash transfer program
of First Grade Students. Results from the First Wave of a Panel Survey). Iskolakultúra , 14(11): 3–16. Józsa K Az első osztályos tanulók elemi alapkészségeinek fejlettsége. Egy
Phimister, E. — Shucksmith, M. — Vera-Toscano, E. (2000a). The Dynamics of Low Pay in Rural Households: Exploratory Analysis Using the British Household Panel Survey. Journal of Agricultural Economics 51(1): 61
economics that each individual possesses one concave utility function. The empirical data were obtained using individual longitudinal data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond (TEPS-B) to estimate a nonlinear model as a logit function of
region I look at is much less than in Africa. Its strength is the possibility to include more than two countries in the analysis with people with the same ethnic and cultural identity. As demonstrated by Veres's (2015) analysis of the ‘Karpat Panel