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The aim of this paper is to verify activity index (pozzolanic reactivity) of finegrained waste glass and clay brick. First part of this work consists from milling process with variation in milling parameters (time, grinding ratio) and determination (analysis) of the grain size distribution. Subsequently strength activity index is assessed for samples of particles size 50-60 μm. According to EN 450-1 method, tested samples does not reached an appropriate limit values as 25% substitute of cement. This result does not disqualify this type of construction and demolition waste as active additive in building materials but it is necessary improving their input parameters.
reduced due to its lesser pozzolanic reactivity at later ages. The elastic modulus of the concrete is not much dependent on the percentage of SF as no significant variation was observed. The shrinkage of the concrete increases with the increase in the
maximum of 45, 51.4, and 59% enhancement in electrical resistivity of concrete. The metakaolin accelerates the hydration process of cement due to its pozzolanic reactivity leading to development of C–S–H gel. It provides enhanced micro-structure with
treatment. Due to high surface area and amorphous structure ( Table 2 ) MK shows high pozzolanic reactivity. Incorporation of MK in concrete has improved the performance of concrete under various conditions. Also, the ultrafine MK enhanced substantially the
, “ Pozzolanic reactivity and the influence of rice husk ash on early-age autogenous shrinkage of concrete ,” Front. Mater. , vol. 6 , pp. 1 – 13 , 2019 . 10.3389/fmats.2019.00150 [12