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). Jordan Museum was designed by the late Jafar Tukan, a famous Jordanian architect and recipient of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2001 [ 55 ]. In the design of the Jordan Museum, simple masses of stone and glass were used to symbolize the

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with the possibility of energy recovery of the produced biogas in the cogeneration units and the combustion boilers. The recipient is the Nitra river in the river kilometer 52.5 ( Fig. 1 ). The basic design parameters of the new WWTP are in Table I

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Pollack Periodica
Marek Šutúš
Jaroslav Hrudka
Gergély Rózsa
Ivona Škultétyová
, and
Štefan Stanko

the need for detailed knowledge of the problem [ 1–6 ]. As an object on the sewer network, the combined sewerage overflow chamber was chosen, because its correct function directly affects the quality of the environment in the recipient. For the basis

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Pollack Periodica
Marek Šutúš
Ivona Škultétyová
Ivana Marko
Réka Wittmanová
, and
Štefan Stanko

Velocity inlet Max. velocity 0.59 m s −1 Max. height 0.928 m Pressure-outlet-recipient DN 2400/1500 Wall (roughness) 0.0015 m Interior (volume) Phase 1 air Phase 2 water Only a small section of the rain event, with the highest flow and speed, was modeled

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Pollack Periodica
Andrea Raczková
Réka Wittmanová
Jaroslav Hrudka
, and
Ivona Škultétyová

the recipient. Devices promoting evaporation, infiltration, and slow runoff are designed to reduce surface runoff. In general, a distinction is made between two basic categories of devices: decentralized and centralized [ 13 ]. Decentralized devices

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Pollack Periodica
Andrea Raczková
Ivona Škultétyová
Réka Wittmanová
Jaroslav Hrudka
, and
L'uboš Hurban

to suppress the negative consequences of the increased volume of surface runoff on urban agglomerations as well as on recipients [ 1 ]. Since the storm-water system is not the only possible way to solve the problem of maximum rain-flows and pollution

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held based a location routing protocol Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) for wireless networks [ 18 ], to guaranty the reception of the query message by recipient nodes. Note that it is assumed that regions are organized hierarchically, where a

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, release the water through hydraulic structures (lateral spillway) and consequently divert it to recipients using pumping or due to gravity. Acknowledgements The paper was developed within the frame of and based on the financial support of the VEGA 1

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only relates to the feelings brought by itself but also the multi-faceted needs of uses and recipients for the building functions [ 6 ]. Generally, kindergarten architectural design is including modeling, empathy, convey [ 7 ]. On the one hand, it shows

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aerobic chamber. Aerated wastewater moves to the post-settler, from where treated wastewater is drained into the recipient. According to the manufacturer, maintenance by the owner should include weekly check-ups of the system, strainer, aeration and the

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