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Oregano is used worldwide both as spice and crude drug, which is mainly provided by species of Origanum genus. The quality of the product is usually determined by chemical analysis, whereas in food industrial applications sensory tests are also practised. The aim of the present study was a comparison of parallel quality investigations of oregano samples by a new and effective instrumental sensory evaluation method, the “electronic nose”, and by gas-chromatographic and human sensory analysis. The GC analysis of essential oil components revealed mainly differences between plant species (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum and Origanum majorana). Main components of the oil of the former taxon are carvacrol and thymol, while those of marjoram are terpinene-4-ol, ?-terpinene and terpinolene. A wholesale oregano sample showing considerable divergence from the other ones with respect to ratios of carvacrol, ß-caryophyllene ß-cubebene and thymol. It was assumed not to belong to ssp. hirtum. The electronic nose analysis, evaluated by PCA, proved to be an appropriate, rapid, non-destructive, reagent-less method for the reliable separation of all of the oregano samples based on their complex aroma features. Assumptions could be made about correlations between separation of samples by the instrumental sensors and proportions of terpenoid compounds of the oil established by GC in some cases only. The varying essential oil content of the samples did not influence the success of instrumental evaluation. The instrumental and human sensory analysis showed similar results: varieties of O. majorana could be well distinguished on the basis of their complex aroma, while their gas-chromatograms did not show characteristic differences. The results call the attention that quality evaluation of drug items of aromatic plants should be oriented in different directions, considering the current utilisation area of the items. 

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The review shows recent development of sensory analysis interfaced with the measurements of consumer preferences and its unique position among food analysis methods. Possibilities of application of sensory methods in the area of food science, product development and food quality assurance are discussed on three examples (case studies) taken from the authors own research.

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and sensory analysis ( Matos and Rosell, 2012 ) 2013 Investigation of 2 commercial GF flour mixtures with HPMC and buckwheat addition ( Mariotti et al., 2013 ) 2014 Analyzing the in vitro starch digestibility of five GF breads and commercial GF sample

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Attila Gere
Abdul Hannan Bin Zulkarnain
Dorina Szakál
Orsolya Fehér
, and
Zoltán Kókai

sensory analysis (in booth environment). Consumer preference is influenced by its intrinsic (e.g. colour, taste and smell) and extrinsic factors (e.g. packaging, nutritional label and ingredient list). This experiment was conducted by involving two

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Introduction Sensory analysis methods of food and beverage products might be classified many ways. A possible methodological distinction is related to the outcome of the tests: discrimination or characterization of the samples. During the evolvement

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). 2.4 Sensory analysis Fifty four (25 males and 29 females) untrained panellists between 23 and 45 years from the Department of Food Engineering (Mersin University, Turkey) participated in the sensory analysis. Samples were evaluated for crumb colour

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cyanidin-3-glucoside (mg mol −1 ) DF: dilution factor ϵ: molar extinction coefficient (26,900 L mol −1 cm −1 ) L: path length (cm) 2.5 Sensory evaluation Sensory analysis was performed by an untrained sensory panel with an average of 32 attendees. The

Open access

.4 Sensory analysis Tokaj vinegar samples (50 mL of each) were presented to panel members undiluted, in plastic cups, with 3-digit random codes. Two groups of samples were set up based on their production technology: vinegars maturated on fruit

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tandard ( 1985 b): Lisztvizsgálati módszerek. Érzékszervi vizsgálatok, pontozásos bírálat és minősítés (Flour test methods. Sensory analysis, scoring and qualification) . MSZ 6369-1 : 1985

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